Chapter 21

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The room felt strangly cold today. I couldn't tell if it actually was or if my anticipation and worry about what the doctor might find from Reira's scan was causing this strange cold. The doctor had been quick to dispell any possibility that they might find something different in her brain function, saying it was nearly impossible that the damage done to her brain could be fixed with simple conversation. But then again... I also remember he said he didn't think Reira would ever have the ability to speak again, let alone hold decent conversations with limited pauses.

He looked at the scan that he had clipped to the light and stared at it thoughtfully. I didn't know for sure if I trusted that seemingly glaring gaze. But he seemed to be puzzled by something he saw in the scan. He then looked to a colorful print out he had from a different scan and hummed in thought. Reira next to me was watching him with an empty gaze and holding my hand like it was the most natural thing in the world. I know she was probebly doing to help herself, but it was working wonders on my own nerves.

Finally he turned to us. "I give up. I have absolutly no idea how this is possible but Reira's brain funtion in the communtication center of her brain was almost completely unresponsive last we scaned her. Now it the most functioning part of her brain. Truely amazing." The doctor looked into Reira's eyes like he was trying to see into her brain. "This could either be very good or extreamly dangerous."

"Dangerous? What do you mean?" I asked, my eyes narrowing.

He only shrugged. "Well it can't be good if that area decides it wants to work and expand again. It's completly cluttered with scar tissue! But if it decides to stay as is and only functioning at a slow pace there should be no problem."

So... Reira's ability to communicate could only stay at this capability... or it would be bad news? The way she is now is fine. Everyone is used to her speech pattern and she has gotten much faster. It's only on some occastions that she spaces out and doesn't seem to understand anything. But then again we all do that on occation.

The doctor left us alone after checking over Reira one more time. She exhaled and smiled lightly. It's nearly impossible to tell when she's nervous... unless she puts on that cute scared child face like when meeting new people. ...Did I just call her cute? I put an arm around her and pulled her close, letting out a breath of relief of my own. It was an abnormal turn out, but a safe one.

Reira gripped my shirt tightly and laid her head on my shoulder. It felt good to have her so close and not to mention alone. With Alsono in the hospital we've been in her room as much as possible to visit with her and Choji. Ino comes by often too and brings a fresh flower every time. Yellow daisy's, Al's favorites. She smiles and chats happily with us while were there, but we can all see it. She's in pain. Her burns hurt worse than she's letting on. Not only that but the mental damage is bad too. Fear is something I have never seen in her face, so it took me a bit to notice what it was. But it's there.

But with being with them since her admittance, it was nice to finally be alone with Reira. And it seems my thoughts were shared by her. Reira lifted her eyes to me shyly, a pink blush dusting her cheeks. She looked so innocent. I gently pulled up on her chin and let my lips fall to hers. It felt like it had been forever since I kissed her like this. And even though the kiss was short it still left a satisfied feeling.

My forehead pressed to Reira's, I let my gaze find hers, causing her to blush and laugh... or is the word giggle? It was like poping bubbles, lets go with that. But the warm sun that fell through the window seemed to relax her and gave me an idea. Choji told me I should ask her to be my girlfriend, not just assume. So, I should do something nice for her before I ask. "Reira, why don't we go outside for a while?"

Her grin was large and bright. "Sure!"

I took hold of her hand and lead her outside. The moment she stepped into the sun it was like new energy was given to her. I watched as she took several deep breaths and then fell backwards onto the grass and laughed again. It reminded me of the day before my last mission to the snow, the day Reira told me about her mother, the day that four small words touched me in a way I never thought possible. 'Because I have you'.

I sat next to her and grinned, reaching out to touch her hair. It was soft. Reira turned her head and nuzzled her face into my palm, grabbing my wrist gently. It was a small gesture, yet I found my face heating up to an inhuman degree. Once again she laughed and I felt like the happiest man to be able to hear that laugh and cause that laugh.

Reira sat up and leaned against me as she soaked up the sun. But something was off. She was staring at the small path across the road again, the same one she had been staring at when I first met her. "Did you ever remember what was down that road?" She shook her head.

"I know... it's important. But I can't seem... to remember."

"Well if it's important enough you'll remember eventually, right?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

I took a deep breath and held Reira's shoulders, making her face me. I could already feel the heat in my face but tried to ignore it as best I could. It's a question. Just a question. "Reira. Do you love me?" I asked.

She seemed confused by the question but nodded anyway. "I do."

"How much?"


I avoided her gaze as I fished for words. "Reira, will you... you know... I guess..." Why is this so hard? Seriously. With a deep breath I looked her straight in the eye, blue to black. "Reira, will you be my girlfriend?"

Her face was blank for a short moment, a pause of process I assume, before it split into a wide bright grin. Her mouth opened and just as she was about to answer me, another voice cut through the air. One that was obviously very surpised.

"Reira?! You're alive?!"

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now