Chapter 24

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Reira walked faster than I had ever seen her walk. It was almost like she was just trying not to run to wherever this road lead. But there was something in her expression, that angry, narrowed, determined expression that made me think this was something she needed to do. What that was though I was at a lose of. The only way I would know at this point, was if I followed her.

The trees began to thin out farther ahead, and I began to see a clearing. There was something in the middle... The closer we got the more it began to take the shape of a small house with perfectly trimmed trees and cared for flowers around it. The house was a soft yellow color with green shutters and green roof. It was like one of those sweet little houses you might see in a sappy movie on TV.

Reira stopped at the very edge of the tree line and looked like she was struggling with herself. That expression was no longer angry. Now it was the perfect example of frightened. She turned to me, her eyes large and shiny with a pleading fear. It tugged at an unknown part of my heart that reached out and screamed to see her innocent smile once more. But I now knew that what ever was holding that smile from my sight was inside that quiet house.

She took hold of my hand and took a few deep breaths. Now, we walked forward. The grass was soft beneath our feet as we crossed the clearing to the house. It was so light, and the colors from the flowers brought a happy feeling to the area. So how come it also felt extremely ominous?

The closer we got to the house the more I could feel Reira's hand in mine shake. She's terrified. What is this place? And why is it such an emotional pariah to her? We reached the porch and she was hesitant to step up. Once again, she took a breath and held my hand tighter as she put her foot on the first step. Now we were at the front door.

However, at this point she had no hesitation in ringing the door-bell. After having gotten this far, perhaps she figured it was just easier to keep going forward. It took a few seconds, but the front door creeked open just a bit. Through the small crack I saw what looked to be a mans face with black eyes, deep shadows under them, pale skin, and messy black hair.

"Yes?" His voice echoed in my head, deep and rough.

"Dad..." Reira said softly.

I watched his visible eye grow wide. "Stop haunting me you evil spirit! Why do you torrment me?!" The door slammed and Reira immeadiatly reached out to open it herself. Inside, the man was curled up on the floor holding his head in pain.

"Dad, stop." She reached out to him, but before her little hand could touch him he curled up even more and opened his fingers to look at her.

"Get out! Leave! Why can't you just leave me alone like a good girl?! Why can't you let me live in peace?!" He screamed.

I leaned down to whisper in Reira's ear. "I think we should leave him be. He seems... unstable."

"He's fine." She insisted. Croutching down, she gripped his shoulder. He looked up at her through his tear misted eyes. "Why... are you telling... people that I'm... dead?" She asked, a hint of her anger tinging her voice. But he only curled up and began to shake.

"No, no. You aren't real. You can't be. You died, just like the doctor said you would. You died."

"I'm not dead." A small tick mark popped on her forehead.

It didn't seem as though this conversation was getting us anywhere. In fact, I'd venture to say this guy is a few screws short of an IKEA table. He continued to tremble on the ground and mumble how Reira wasn't real. That's when the idea hit me. If he thinks Reira is a spirit haunting him, maybe he'll believe us if I'm the one talking.

I placed my hand on Reira's shoulder and knelt down beside her. "Mr. Sumakoro, I need to talk to you about something."

He peaked through his fingers again. "How do you know my name?"

"I'm a friend of Reira's." He removed his hands and moved to sit up. "I need to ask you a few questions about her if you don't mind."

"Shikamaru?" Reira questioned. I put an arm around her and planted a small kiss on her forehead, a sign to say everything will be fine.

Her father sat before us and watched me, but I could see his eyes darting over to Reira next to me every few seconds. He was very tense and seemed to sit up starighter the moment I began to speak again. "When was the last time you saw Reira?"

"The day she was hospitalized with head trauma."

"Have you tried to visit her since then?"

"She's dead! Stop acting like she's still alive!" He gripped his hands into fists and looked down. "I couldn't watch it. I just couldn't watch her die. The doctor told me there was no chance she would survive her injuries. I couldn't watch Reira die!"

"Dad!" I put an arm out to stop Reira from leaning to him or saying anything more. He wouldn't believe in her at this time. He honestly believes she's dead. So to have someone who looks and sounds like his daughter trying to talk to him would only make the situation worse. So he needs an outside voice to get through.

"Did you ever get a confirmation that she had died?"

He barely looked up. "No. I still send money for her care... but theres no way she's still there. I think of it as a donation now more than anything..."

"I see. Well, what would you believe if I told you she is alive?"

"I'd say you're lying."

I looked to Reira and nodded, telling her to reach out to him. He looked up with wide frightened eyes. "She is though. Reira is right here."

I watched as he stared at his daughter, eyes wide. I watched as he slowly lifted his hand and reached out to her face. And I watched as he crumbled into tears in his daughters arms when he realized I wasn't lying.

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