Chapter 3

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"Her name is Reira Sumakoro. A few years ago she came into our care because she was involved in a bad accident that left her moderately brain damaged. Reira's parents at first tried to care for her, but they left her here and never came back. Every week they send us a check for her care but other than that we dont hear from them." My heart felt somewhat tight in my chest. I felt for that little girl, mainly because I knew that if I was in her situation, having contact with my mom, the troublesome woman that she is, would make me feel like I was still loved.

I nodded my thanks and walked down the hall, my thoughts swirling. She's been here alone for afew years... no wonder she didn't want to talk at all. And what Sakura said explains the off feeling I got from her. Parents abandoning their children... I hear about it everyday, But never have I heard od something so disgusting as abandoning your child at a hospital because she's brain damaged. That's just not right, and I'm a lazy ninja! Nothing about me is right!

My mind went to my mom and dad. They act strange, but I have always trusted them to help me in times of need. Well... my Dad not so much... although he did try to help me when Asuma sensei.... I took a deep breath and sighed. Asuma was more of a Dad to me than my real Father... That's way I was so broken up. That's why I picked up his bad habit too. My hand touched the pocket of my vest and the small bulge from the cigarrett pack told me I was almost out. Normally it's firmer.

I came up to the third floor wing and stopped in to talk to the old man again. He didn't have much to talk about today, said his medicine sometimes makes him spacy. So I walked across the hall and stopped in front of door 302. Another day of talking to her. I wonder if she will finally want to talk.

I openned the door and looked at her, sitting up in bed and looking out the window again. But today, as I walked closer, she turnned and looked over at me. And her lips slowly curled upward in a smile. Was she happy to see I had decided to come and see her again? This girl intrest me more each day.

"Hey." She didn't respond right away, it took her a small moment to finally nod to me. "I heard your name is Reira. I'm Shikamaru."

Reira looked confused and then slowly bagan to understand what I had said. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came. I held a hand up to say she didn't need to say anything, slipping a cigarett in my mouth and lighting it. Her window was open so I figured it would be okay to have a quick one. Two minutes later, as I was putting it out, Reira's soft alto voice floated out.

"That... smells... funny." She said it slowly, like she was thinking about what to say next after each word.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to bother you with it." But she just shook her head and smiled. Sakura poked her head in.

"Shika, Ino and Choji are looking for you. Do you want me to send them up here?" She asked.

I turnned to Reira. "Man, what a pain. Do you mind?" It took a minute but she shook her head. Sakura left and afew minutes later my idiot team walked in the room.

"Come on Shikamaru. We might actually have something to do! Lets go!" Ino yelled.

Oh come on! I ask for something to do and just when I want to sit here and relax, something pops up. That's just great. I sighed and hung my head, looking up at Reira who appears sad because she knows I will be leaving. But I gently touch her hand and say, "I'll come back later." And in her eyes I can see the words ressonate in her mind as she dissects the meaning and understands that I have every intention of keeping the promise in my words.

She nods her head with a small sliver of a smile and watches me as I walk from the room. Had I known just how long I was meant to be gone, I would have insisted on staying longer.

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now