Chapter 32

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Everyone of us snapped our heads in the direction of the doctor. He stood, eyes narrowed and a serious expression that sent a stain of hope through my heart. My hand unconciously gripped Reira's tighter. Those words bounced around in my head like a small rubber ball in a basement. We can save Reira... We can... save Reira... We. Can. Save. Reira. Never before n my life has a man looked so beautiful.

"How? You're the one that said her wounds were tearing open. How can she survive this? She barely survived the first time." Hanzo asked. Shh. Shh, shut up, let the possibility live.

The doctor took a deep breath and launched into it. "Well, yes. I did say that. The fact of the matter is, if Reira is left alone with this she will be dead by the end of the week." My heart felt like it was being slowly squeezed and pinched. "But, I've been her doctor since she first came here, and I have a soft spot for that poor little girl... I... shouldn't tell you this... I told my workers not to visit with her. I was terrified of... well... this."

That's why no one ever talked with her? Because her doctor was trying to protect her? "The things is, I've been looking for a way to help her. The problem is the scarring on her brain. It has made a few sections of her mind pull tight to compensate for what was ruined. (I'm pulling all of this out of my ass, no trolls please) But I thought, what if there was something that I could add to those sections to allow for expantion. However the brain is a finicy place. Sure we can replace things like knees and hips. We can replicate area's of the heart. But the brain....

However, after years of research, I believe I have the solution." He pulled a piece of grey cloth from his pocket and held it out. "This is a piece of cerebral mesh. It's a piece of skin mesh I modified to react in similar ways to the brain. It's gentel and flexibal, it stretches and has all the abilities to funtion with the brain. If we can attatch this  mesh to the scarred sections of her brain, she should be able to learn and funtion normally."

It's like heaven just opened up and smiled down upon our little world. All the hope of the world filled me,Hanzo, and Mr. Sumakoro. "But," No! No but's! Why is there always a but! Destroythat word and earse it from all dictionary's! "This would require some major brain surgery. This isn't exactly something that has been done before and the chances of it working... Fact is, it's worth the try. Because she's dead if we don't try."

"But she could die from the surgury." Hanzo said.

"Yes, it's very possible."

"How high of a percentage does she have of surviving this surgery?"

The doctor let out a long low breath and rolled his eyes upward. "Hmmmm, well, quick guess I would say twenty percent." My heart dropped. It's so small of a chance. But without it she's dead for sure. He's right, it is worth the try on the off chance she survives. Hanzo stood with a sigh and poped his back. "I need caffine..."

Mr. Sumakoro patted his shoulder and left with him. I looked back down to Reira. She's still asleep. I wonder what she might say to the surgury... Would she be okay with trying? Or would she... would she decide to give up? The doctor stood behind me and let out another breath. "Listen, Shikamaru. I know this is difficult, but I'm going to have you and Mr. Sumakoro come up with what to do."

"Why us? Shouldn't you ask Reira when she wakes up?"

His face fell alittle more. "Shikamaru... when Reira wakes up... she won't know who you are." What? "The new damage we suspect will have rendered her ability to process and understand... nonexistant. The world will be brand new to her."

My eyes trained on my girlfriend. She won't be able to process who I am? But still. I have a duty to be with her no matter what. I want to be with her during this, whether she knows me or not. I love Reira. And nothing will change that.

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now