Chapter 13

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I never thought about what happened to the girl. She wasn't of any interest to me. But it seems fate has led me to find her again... find her again... did I just find her? What am I doing now? I have not clue what it is I really know at this point. Reira... I'm confused. Your Mother is the enemy who is not really the enemy because she's fighting a good fight, and I met you before, but now I know this real you and I... I don't... know how to finish that statement. What do I feel? Sympathy because I now know what got you into this mess? Joy because the one you're waiting for is still planning to get you? I'm not sure.

The gates of the leaf village came into view and I approached as I normally might. The guards seemed surprised when they realized who I was. Not surprising considering the state in which I was believed to be in. But I didn't have time to stop and chat with them. My mind was focused. For once I was energized as I drew closer to the hospital, walked through the door, past the nurses station, up the stairs, and down the hall. But... I paused at the door to Reira's room.

My confusion was growing. And it's normal for me to be this confused. There was something I was feeling when I thought about Reira, when I remembered what happened to her, when I thought back to how highly Reeva spoke of her. And for some reason, I knew I couldn't have the conversation with Reira I wanted to have until I figured something out. But I was going to need help. And there was only one person I would ever go to in this situation.

Alsono's front door is always open. And when I called inside before entering, I could very clearly hear the sound of Alsono's bare feet hitting the floor. Soon she stopped herself with a hard brace to the door jam and looked at me disbelievingly through the silver hair that had fallen in front of her face. "Shikamaru!" She cried, running up to hug me. "My goodness, what happened? Ino and Choji came back two days ago and said you had been captured!"

"Alsono, I need help." That one line seemed to flip a switch in her brain. She didn't care anymore about where I had been or what happened in the snow. Now she took my hand and lead me into the kitchen where she was stirring a large pot of brown beef curry. I knew I could come to Alsono for anything. Once she got into her cooking, she didn't say a word, never judged, and gave the best advice. Of course once she was finished cooking, she flips and asks for a bunch of annoying details and turns into such a pain.

As she stirred she listened. I told her everything that was working in my mind. What Reira had said about her mom, My own experience with Reeva, and the revelation I had on the way back here about how I knew Reira and what happened to her. I placed everything that was running through me and put it out in the open. And once I was done, she was quiet. Quiet. Quiet. I began to think maybe she had zoned out while I was talking, but finally spoke.

"What do you think each feeling to associated with?" She asked, sprinkling pepper flakes in the pot.

"I'm mad because Reeva left her, but I'm happy because she plans to come back still, but I'm even more angry now because I remember what happened to her."

"Why do you think you're mad?" What? "It didn't happen to you. You didn't know her hardly back then either. So why are you mad?"

"Why? Because they've hurt Reira. She's a friend and I don't want her hurt."

"MMhmmm." Alsono put a small bit of the curry in a tasting dish and held it out to me. "Or, is it because you have stronger feelings for her than you think?"

Stronger feelings? Like...? This is such a pain. Alsono sat down at the table across from me. "Shikamaru, you care about Reira more than you know. I could tell the day you brought her here that you care about her. You're mad because these people have made her unhappy in a way. And the reason you're so happy that her mom is coming back for her is because you know that's what she wants and that that's going to make her happy. Shikimaru, you're in love."

No. I reject the idea. Love is a pain, a drag, troublesome, all of those things I normally say to describe life in general. In short, I'm not in love. "Thanks' Alsono." I said, getting up and heading for the door.

"Shikamaru." I stopped. "Go see her and you will know the truth."

I will go see her. Not to prove or disprove Alsono's words but just to see my friend. I missed her in the time I was gone. So back through the trees and into town I went. But my mind kept replaying what Al had said. I'm angry because they made her unhappy. My feelings for Reira go beyond friendship and even hit on love. I love Reira... no. I care about her, but I don't love her. I... don't love her. Reira is my friend... But then her voice floated into my brain. "Because I have you." The joy those words brought to me was almost uncanny.

In my thought processing state, I hadn't realized where I was going until I stopped in front of Reira's door. Unconsciously I had sought her out. And my heart began to race as I opened the door and peered inside the room. Reira was sitting up in bed, cradling a piece of paper to her chest, and crying. She sobbed loudly and miserably, choking on air. My heart instantly felt like someone had stuck a hot pin in it as I quickly went to her side.

"Reira!" Her eyes grew wide and she turned to look at me, the processing evident in her eyes until she finally came to the conclusion I was really there. In one short moment she dropped the paper and flung her arms around me, calling my name with pain and joy mixed together. I now saw the paper was a picture. A picture of Reira and I at Alsono's house, both looking confused as Al had surprised us with the snap shot, but close together, and now seeing it, happy.

Reira held me tighter and continued to cry as I tried to sooth her. my entire being relaxed she I felt her in my arms. And something began to make sense in my head. Something Al had said. But before it could become a realization, Reira pulled away from me slightly and I felt something warm press against my lips. It's sweet. What? Warm... Reira? Reira is... Is she? It took all of a two seconds to finally realize that Reira had pressed her lips to mine and was kissing me.

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