Chapter 43

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"It won't be instantaneous. She will fade in and out for awhile. But If the surgery was any kind of a success, she should know who you all are." The doctor explained as he did this and that and moved around Reira's bed. I stood in the room with Alsono, Choji, Ino, Hanzo, Atari, and Reira's parents. It was finally the day he was going to let her wake up. And we all stood with tightly clenched hands in anticipation of seeing if the surgery was successful.

He stepped away from her and looked to all of us. "Like I said, it might be awhile." But none of us cared. We were ready to sit here and wait for as long as it took. The doctor stood with all of us as we waited. And he was right. It took a while. For an hour we stood there and waited. I had taken up my normal spot, in the chair next to her bed with my hand tightly clasping hers. Today, I would get to see those blue eyes looking at me again. I'd get to see the recognition in them and her smile, I might get to hear that beautiful voice if we're lucky.

Mr. Sumakoro and Reeva stood close by me, his arm tightly wrapped around her. They looked anxious... but there was an underlying happiness in their expression too.

I knew exactly how they felt. I've realized over the past few weeks... just how much I really love her. A lot of people, after realizing her disability, would have have nothing to do with her. And I know I'm the king of stating how big of a pain so many things are. But she's not. She's... she's an adventure. I never really know what's going to happen the next day with her. And this is what has drawn me to her so much.

If she had really died that day... I don't even like thinking about it. She really is someone amazing. And I love her. I really really love her. While other people might see a damaged and pointless person, I see my whole world.

Why do I love this woman so much?

My eyes were soft as I looked at her, anxiously awaiting the moment her eyes would open.

Her eyes didn't open very fast. In fact, they fluttered open barely and then closed again for a while. They cracked open again and we all held our breath as she rolled her eyes around and looked about here and there, not really focusing on anything. She opened her eyes more and finally, it really seemed like she was awake. Slowly her eyes blinked, once, twice, three times. And then we heard exactly what we wanted to. "Ow..."

Alsono and Choji latched onto each other and joined Ino in a cheer of joy. The same was done by Reira's parents and Hanzo and Atari. It was nothing more than a low, quick moan of pain, but by God it was a word! Reira was glancing back and forth between everyone like they were insane. Finally she looked to me. "Shikamaru..." Just my name from her lips was enough to make my vision start to blur. "What... is going... on?"

As she pushed herself up in bed, I sat on the edge and pulled her into a tight hug. "Shikamaru?"

"You're okay. Thank God." She slowly began to relax in my arms. Everyone's joy was palpible in the room and she soon picked up on all the happiness at seeing her awake. That joy was proof of her life.  It was proof of her sugery's success. It was proof of the bright future she could have. Of the bright future WE could have.

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