Chapter 25

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Dear Reeva,

It's been quite the week over here. Remember the idea that your husband had just abandoned Reira at the hospital? That was only part true. A few days ago Reira's old team mates found her at the hospital but they were surprised to see her alive. It was through them that we learned her Father told them that she was already dead.

This lead us to a confontaion with your husband. It was a strange experiance, but the problem was worked through. Since that day, he has been in to visit Reira everyday and seems to be getting better with the fact that she is indeed alive. I will keep you posted on both of their progress.


Dear Shikamaru,

Smack that prick of a husband of mine please.


It's been three day's since the confrontation with Reira's father. And I must say, it has been the strangest three days ever. The first day he came to see Reira was... in the most simple of terms, awkward beyond comparison. Niether of them really knew what to say so we kind of just sat in silence. The second day was a little better. There was some conversation, bu then her father had another small... melt down... where the doctor and I had to convince him again that Reira was not a ghost.

It was yesterday that was the weirdest though. When he came in I had already been there since I had been down the hall visiting Alsono earlier. Reira and I were sitting on the edge of the bed together looking out the window, my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. He walked in and the very first thing I heard was the pop of his jaw dropping.

After a ten minute question and answer about our relasionship, I'm still not sure if he was angry with us or just really surprised. Either way, for the rest of the day he kept giving me side glances.

Today started out normal and ended normal, but today was the day that started a week of hell. And I didn't even know it. I took Reira down the hall to see Alsono since it was the day she finally got to go home. We were going to follow her and Choji to her house and surprise her with a hell-up attempt that me and him made last night to bake a cake. We ended up having Ikuto make it after Choji nearly passed out taste testing the one we made.

I have a whole new respect for Alsono now...

Choji had just helped her up from the bed when we walked in. It was amazing how well her burns had healed over her time in the hospital. They had taken the bandages off last night and the red had fallen to a dusty pink color as well as the disfiguring burn marks had disappeared into nothing more than small scars. They would forever be a reminder of what happened.

Alsono looked over to us and smiled brightly. "Hey! There's my favorite couple!"

"Hey, tone it down will ya?" I grumbled, my face heating up. Reira next to me laughed and waved her hand in greeting. Troublesome women...

"You know I love to tease you two." She held tightly onto Choji as she walked over to us. It was obvious it still hurt her to walk on her right leg, but we all knew she wouldn't say anything and would try to walk all the way home on it. Really the way I knew it was hurting her was because she was holding onto Choji to walk.

As we walked into the hall, I took a glance over at Choji who looked esspecially... worried. Almost scared. In my mind though I couldn't see any reason why he would feel that way. Okay, that's a lie. I've known Al as long as he has and she can't stop for any reason. That girl will be on her feet all day in the kitchen and garden the moment we get her home even though her doctor has told her to take it easy so she doesn't agrivate her burns.

When we finally got outside, Alsono groaned and covered her eyes from the sun only to suck in a breath and lower her arm wincing. "Here." Choji moved her so she was on his other side and slightly shaded from the sun. She smiled and linked her arm in his, moving even closer to his side.

Watching them is still strange to me. They are extremely in tune with each other, sacrifing for each other, thinking about each other in most things they do. Sometimes it almost seems like they can communicate with no words exchanged. I've seen it acctually, it's weird.

Reira's hand in mine was warm and soft. And the smile I saw on her face always brought one to my own face. I've never felt love before Reira, never even really thought about. I also never watched Choji and Alsono together as closely as I do now sometimes. There are degree's to love I'm finding. One like theirs is special, not seen often. And I wonder what makes a love like that become reality.

Reira and I might be a fairly new thing, but I still find myself thinking about her and I more and more, wondering what will happen to us in the furture. But then I realize what I'm doing and mentally slap myself with a bag of shogi pieces. Brooding over the subject of love, esspecially a new one, is spelling trouble.

At Alsono's, it felt like normality had finally come to our little group again. Ikuto was waiting in the kitchen and quickly ran to give his sister a hug. Alsono might call him a twerpy little brother, and he might call her an annoying sister, but the bond they have is strong. "Come on sis, sit." He said, pushing her to the bench that made the breakfast nook, a goofy grin on his face.

"Okay, what are you up to twerp?" Her grin was just as big as his.

"Okay, wait here."

"Do you three know what's going on?" Alsono accused. Choji looked the other way, pretending to noticed something interesting out the back door. I sat with a small smile and just ran my fingers over a piece of Reira's hair like I normally would. Reira however couldn't help but let a giggle of anticipation slip through. "I know you know, Rei's giving it away."

"Shh, shut up." Choji playfully pinched her lips closed. That however only made her laugh harder. Ikuto returned with the cake. "Surprise!"

Alsono was stuned into sillence as the red velvet mess was set in front of her. We couldn't tell if she was happy or slightly disgusted, maybe a mix of both. Finally, a smile broke across her face and tears of joy sprang into her eyes. "Thank you guys. Thank you so much." Whiping the tears from her eyes, she stood. "Hold on. I'll make some tea and we can celebrate."

She moved to the kitchen and started getting everything together. Reira next to me made an uncomfortable face. "Hey, what's up?"


I stood. "Hold on, I'll get you some medicine." Moving into the kitchen, I reached for Al's medicine cabnet. "I'm stealing some drugs Al."

She laughed next to me as she put some tea leaves in the pot. "Go for it." I took two pills from the bottle and was about to return to the table. A sound rang out in the little kitchen, a horrifying loud and spine chilling sound. I've only ever heard this sound once in my life. Alsono's scream.

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