Chapter 4

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It's been two months since this mission started. Long, bloody, cold, those are the words I use to describe the horrors we've been thrown into. Ino and Choji and I were asked to go to the land of snow and act as mercinary aids to qwell an uprising that threatened to destroy the whole area. The very first day was a bloodbath in itself, but the days to follow grew in intensity steadily.

I remember the first day very clearly, mostly the contrast of the red blood on the white snow. It was disturbing but yet also strangly pretty. The pools of red grew in number and size as we fought the rebles down. Everyday after was much like that. Fighting, killing, and then the fun part. Cleaning up the bodies. Yes, it seems we were also hired to be battle ground janators. I wouldn't be surprised if they asked us to be undertakers next.

The snow began to fall as the three of us looked out over the daily death scene. Ino sneezed and walked away to the camp we had begun to call home. We had to learn to live here in peace, because we don't know how long for sure we will be here. Choji began to walk away also as I lit a cigarrett and sat down. It's cold, but I don't exactly mind. After fighting for so long, someone could throw me in an ice cold lake and I wouldn't even care.

The guard cheif made a break through the other night with one of the captives on who the rebel leader is. Apperantly the leader is a woman, age twenty nine and described to have long red hair with peircing blue eyes and dressed in white. Smart idea in this terrane. Wearing all white would instantly make you bland into the snow. Now that we can identify her, we can put an end to this and go home for awhile.

My chest grew warm as I took in the first drag and slowly blew the resulting smoke out into the air. The smell made me think of the day I left the village, or more, the person I was with before I left. That smells funny... That was the first thing Reira ever said to me and it was a comment on my bad habit. No that she was displeased with it, but just to say that it smelled strang to her. I wonder if she has anyone to talk to at the hospital. Does Sakura ever go in and chat?

I really shouldn't be thinking about Reira right now. But my mind is just so tired from the long two months i've endured. And she's a calming thought. But my thought was broken when Ino and Choji walked past with bright smiles. "Guess what Shikamaru." Ino said in a singsongy voice. "The mole we have in the reble camp just informed the cheif that they've called a cease fire and are going under to recuperate. We are being realesed!"

About time, I thought. Together we packed our few belongings and started the treck home. Lucky us, it's temporarily over. But we'll be coming back again. The minute the attacks begin to pick up we'll get the call in. And when that time comes, we will finally be able to end it. But for now, I'm certain that all of us are ready to trade the cold wind and snow for our home climate of sunshine and southern winds. I know Choji is ready to go home and eat the meal we all know Alsono is going to prepare. And honestly, I could go for some home coking as well.

We took our time getting home, making it across the territory boarder in two day and finding ourselves back inside the village in three. Choji and I went straight to his place to see Al and as predicted, she made plans for a big welcome back dinner tomorrow night. For now, she gave us a decent portion of hot and sour soup. Perfect.

I looked at Alsono. I've known her for sometime, about as long as Choji has. She's a tall girl, thin, with long silver hair and eyes that remind me of the color of the wine my parents drink. I've always known her mainly as the cook in the diner on the other side of town, the one that serves Choji's favorite BBQ pork. But a few months ago they formally met and they hit off. Really it was surprising since none of us thought he was ever going to get a girlfriend, let alone one that was pretty and nice.

I was just leaving when Alsono stoped me. "Shikamaru, are you leaving already?"

"Yeah, I want to go see someone for a minute and then I'll come back."

"He wants to go see that pretty LP." Choji teased.

"Shut up." I countered.

"An LP huh? Why don't you bring her over for dinner tomorrow if she's able to leave?" Alsono loves people, so it's no surprise that she would want Reira over. I only nodded a sure and walked down the street. It's been awhile since I've had such sillence and alone, I find it almost disterbing. But then I get over it and love it once again.

The hospital loomed in the distance and my eyes went up to the third floor windows, and over to the long-term patron row, seeing Reira looking out across the lot as always. I've often wondered who it is she's looking for to come over the hill. Maybe she isn't waiting for anyone at all...

Sakura was pleased to see me once again, informing me the old man had been reliesed. But I just wanted to see Reira. I walked up the stairs and ran into someone as they were coming around the corner. "Sorry- Reira?" There stood the short black haired girl who's eyes showed confusion but slowly wained to joy.

"I saw... you... coming. I... missed you." She said it slowly as always. But strangly, her words made me smile. I was happy knowing that, that she was as interested with me as I was with her. And that made me very happy.

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