Chapter 8

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"Lets go! Move in!" The commander yelled. We were finally closing in on the rebles, about to end our back and forth missions once and for all. The group of red flooded the snowy feild, the red color the sign of the reble forces. I focused my sights on one red figure in particular. The tall figure on the front lines, the one with the long red hair and the black face mask across her mouth and nose.

Reeva Gerden, the leader of the rebles. If we can take her out, the fight is over and the land of snow will once again know peace. Well... until the rebles take another leader that is.

"Is that her?" Ino asked behind me, watching Reeva closely.

"She fits the description. Red hair, blue eyes, dressed in white." I answered.

"Well then what are we waiting for! Take her out and lets go home!"

"Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet! How long are you going to sit there and stare at her?"

I sighed, feeling my annoyance grow at this troublsome womans words and eagerness to get out. "We need to wait for the exact right moment. If we can get her in possition, ever single rebel will have visual on her and when we take her down, every single one of them will witness her death and our strength and back down. This is simple stratagy, you learned it in the academy."

Ino huffed behind me, obviously miffed my words and itching to smack me across the face. But now was not the time to let petty anger over take us. I could see the comander of the snows forces on a high ledge, signaling to us that he was ready. We gave the signal and he shot an arrow close by Reeva, catching her attention.

It was obvious to me that her hatred for that man was boiling inside her very soul, inclining her to climb the ledge to where he stood, just where we wanted her.

"Shikamau." Choji drew my attention away from Reeva and the comander to a large man from the rebel army who had noticed us and was now making his way up the hill to where we got ready to end it all.

"You two take care of him. I'll get Reeva."

They nodded and made their way down to comfront him. I had to focus on Reeva. This is a one shot deal, if I don't hit her we have to wait for the next opportunity, which who knows when that will be. Ino and Choji fought below me, keeping the man at bay. Reeva finally got the the comander on the ledge.

I had to aim carfully, so carefully, so that I would land the perfect hit and kill her quickly. My hand was steady and I took deep calming breaths. The cold air filled my lungs, reminding me of the first time I had come here. It was the day after I had met Reira, the day we became the land of snows dogs, killing and dieing for them because they didn't know how to controle their people and make changes to satisfy everyone.

My vision had become that of the hawk, close, persise. I could see the sweat beginning to bead on Reeva's brow as she clashed swords with the comander. Hot clouds of air filtered through the white face mask she wore, clouding her sharp blue eyes. There was something familiar about those eyes. Something that I couldn't quite place my finger on.

"Shikamaru!" Ino yelled below. The man had gotten past them and was quickly working his way up to me. "Take the shot!"

I steadied my hand, aimed the kunai, following her every move. The man drew closer and Ino yelled again. Take the shot. Take the shot. Reeva hit the ground and the comander held her still just as the man came in range of me.

"Take the Shoooot!" Ino's yell echoed through the valley as my kunai left my hand and sored through the air, pain exploeding in my head and the world turnning dark.

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