Chapter 2

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The room was flooded with bright sunlight from the open windows, looking brighter than it actually was from the pure white that was... well... everything. The only color in the room was the little girl who sat in the bed against the wall, looking out the windows blankly. She didn't turn when I walked in, didn't make a sound as a walked closer to her. As far as I could see, her blue eyes weren't watching anything in particular. It was more like... the girl was daydreaming.

I sat next to her bed and watched her for a minute. She seemed so deep in thought, it was almost crule to snap her out of it. So I didn't. The girl intriged me, and as long as she was spaced out, I didn't have to do anything but sit there and watch her. A breeze from the window lifted her long black hair and caused her to turn and notice me.

Her eyes slowly grew wide as she realized I had been there for awhile. My hand instinctivly rubbed the back of my head. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm supposed to be entertaining you or whatever..." She didn't say anything... in fact it took her a minute to even a nod in understanding. "So... is there something you want to do or a game you want to play?" Again, it was a minute before she slowly shook her head. "Anything you want to talk about?" Again, a delayed shake.

At this point, I just sort of... looked her over. Her face was pretty, but her eyes seemed vacant and er mouth sat slightly open. There was just something off about this girl and I couldn't exactly put it together. 

Ino's voice split the air from behind the door and completely destroyed my going peace. "Shikamaru, lets get going! Alsono is making pot stickers!" I stood up with a great side and turned around only once to look back at the girl who had turn back to looking out the window. Ino and Choji were waiting for me in the halls. It didn't take long for us to get to Al's , and the in tire time I couldn't keep my mind a way from the girl. 

There was something special about her that intrigued me. So much so that the next day when I walked back to the hospital the first thing I did was go to Sakura. She knew just about everything on every long term patron there, so maybe, just maybe, she would be able to tell me something about the girl. And that something could be the reason I find her so interesting.

Sakura looked up as I approched. "Hey there Shikamaru. Back to entertain the LP's?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Actually I wanted to ask you a question first." She gave me a confused look. "It's about the girl, the one in 302." Iwatched in amazment as the confusion slowly turnned to shock and as I finally asked my question, saddness replaced all hints of joy on her face. "What can you tell me about her?"

Sakura looked down at her feet and took a deep breath before looking back up. "Well... her name is Reira..."

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now