Chapter 42

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It was my joy to be the ninja that welcomed Reeva Sumakoro back into the village. Nearly four years away and the war in the snow had finally come to an end thanks to the plan we had hatched together. The government had laid down their controle and were now in a state of rebuilding. They no longer had a need for Reeva's leadership skills. She had sent a notice to the Hokage, as well as a letter to me. I had asked if I could be the one to greet her, knowing exactly where she would want to go first.

I lead her up the stairs to the third floor of the hospital, her smile was evident. She smiled and ran after me with joy even knowing that Reira was still asleep. I know how she feels though. Just getting to see her at this point is enough. I didn't tell her about losing her. That infomation has been pacted to be a secret between myself, Alsono, Choji, the doctor, and the nurses. As far as Reeva knows, everything went fine and Reira was a trooper.

Finally we came up to her room, the same room I had been visiting over and over for nearly a year now. Room 302. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Mr. Sumakoro there. He sat in my normal chair and was folding a piece of paper in his lap. The noise of our entrance caused him to turn in our direction, and his gaze landed immediatly on Reeva. He stood up in surprise.

"Reeva?" He asked, almost disbelieving.

Next to me, she nodded and smiled, her eyes growing wet. "Yes, Shuji. It's me." I watched through understanding eyes as they embaced and gentle tears made tracks down Reeva's cheeks. I made my way around them and sat on the edge of Reira's bed, taking her hand in mine by force of habit. Check it out Rei. Your Mom came back for you, just like she promised. I really hope you know what's going on, cause it's kind of great.

I like to believe that Reira can hear us. Like as she's laying there, she's listening to everything we say to her or around her and is taking strength and encouragment from that. That's why everyday I sit by her and hold her hand and keep her up to date on everything that's happening. Held close together, the couple turned to face their daughter who slept peacfully at my side. Reeva smiled and croutched down to touch Reira's hair gently.

"My little warrior. You're so strong and brave. Your mother is very proud." Her voice broke at the end ofher sentance and she had to cover her mouth as she began to choke on her emotion. Mr. Sumakoro pulled her up and held her tightly. I had never seen such a soft and peacful expression on him. It was... a gaze of understanding... and love. "Reira's going to be okay." Reeva whimpered, a smile of joy on her lips.

Mr. Sumakoro also let a smile spread across his lips. "Yeah. She's going to be just fine." He looked at me from the corner of his eye. "She was always going to be."

Reeva's emotion was to much from her relife and reunion, and Mr. Sumakoro made the dission to take her home to rest. Alone, I thought about what he said. She was always going to be fine. Because she had people who were looking out for her, people who believed in her strength. People who love her more than anything in the world.

Looking down at my little girlfriend, I caught the sight of a lone tear that had found it's way out of her closed eye. I gently brushed it away for her. "See, I told you." Was all I had to say. Your Mom cared the whole time. She came back, just like she promised, just like I said she was planning to.

"This whole thing might be a major drag, and you have officially become the most troublesome woman on the planet, and I don't think I've ever put so much effort into anything in my life... But I wouldn't change anything about what has happened. I wouldn't change anything about what you've put me through, or what I've gone through for you. And I would trade every second of the day I could be watching those clouds roll by to stay right here next to you. It's worth it... to see you happy... to know everyting is going to be alright... and to watch as the clouds of your life lull by in relaxed bliss."

Her hand in mine was warm, and I could amost imagine the expression she would be giving me now if she was awake. And I siled back at her as if that was just the expression she was giving me.

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