Chapter 44

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For the past week since Reira woke up, it seems like the sun has been shining just a little bit brighter. Like the birds that sing have been singing my favorite song all day. Like everyone is smiling for no good reason other than to smile. And I love every minute of it. I know that sounds weird coming from me, but I can't hold it back. I'm so happy that I don't care. The sun is warm against my face as I lay in the grass behind the hospital and smile at the clouds that go rolling past me. Usually, I feel like I would have been asleep by now.

But the joy I feel has me so wired. And I can't look away from the bright blue of the sky or the fun shapes I find the in the billowy clouds. Never before has anything felt so right in the world. My arms spread out and felt the cool, soft grass. Everything smelt good. And my chest was nice and warm as the source of my great joy dozed happily with her head over my heart and an arm draped over my mid section.

It's been a week since those beautiful blue eyes opened again and my sweet girlfriend came back to me. Everyday has been like this. We have yet to let anyone else spend the day with us. Her parents come by in the morning to visit with her before I come by after my training and basic missions. Then we sneak out here to be alone for hours. We don't talk. It's enough right now just be with each other and know the other is really there.

Eventually we need to start her communication training again. Since now she should be able to go beyond where we had her before safely. I felt her shift as she let out a small yawn and rubbed her eyes before nuzzling her face against me once more. My arms instantly wrapped tightly around her and she let out a sweet little laugh. I laughed with her and left a soft kiss on her forehead. "Mmm. Shikamaru... I love you."

Her voice brought another lit of joy in my heart, and her words were like a quick start. "I love you too, Rei." It was a second before she reacted to my words. It's been a long time since she had a pause of process, I've been getting used to it again. But if we start working with her again soon, that will disappear just like it did before. There is nothing this woman isn't possible of. I know that now. I should never ever underestimate her.

"So this is where you two have been hiding." Damn. Al found us. I sat up a little to she her silver hair glinting in the sun light as she made her way over to us. Choji stood back a ways with a gentle smile.

"What do you want Al?" I asked, a little unhappy that my time with Reira has been interrupted.

"Oh nothing much. Just wanted to know if you guys were hungry or not." Reira perked up the moment she processed what was just said. Alsono laughed and held out a hand to us. "Come on. Sukiyaki party at my place!"

Half an hour later, we all sat around Alsono's table to eat and visit. Ino had joined us along the way and was trying to get Reira into a discussion about a strange new fashion trend. I watched Alsono and Choji work together in the kitchen to make the food. Their little plan to make it so that Al could still cook without having to be around the flame has really worked out. They are in perfect sync with each other.

The moment that Al was done cutting the meat and the getting the veggies ready, Choji had the pan ready and the sauce waiting. No words were said between them as things were passed back and forth until, finally, the food was ready. Alsono joyfully put the pan on the table and told us to dig in. I know I've thought this many times before, but the way Choji and Alsono interact is amazing.

I've learned many things by watching them. And I wonder if there will be a day that Reira and myself will be on their level of understanding. Next to me Reira happily munched on her food and giggled as Ino's explanation became more enthusiastic. Laughter rang around the table and I found myself smiling as naturally as ever.

"It's just good to Reira around the table again." Alsono said with a grin.

"Yeah. We were all pretty worried there for awhile." Ino added.

Reira showed a smile and played with her hair. "I'm sorry... for the... trouble I... caused. I know... I hurt... you guys."

"Don't worry about it sweetie." Alsono said as she reached across the table to put her hand over hers. "No matter what happens, we're always going to be there for you. Right guys?"

Choji put his hand over theirs. "Yeah!"

Ino also put hers in. "When I'm not working, I'm here for you!"

I dropped my hand on top of her head and stroked her hair, like usual. She looked up at me, and for a minute, it seemed like she had something she wanted to ask. But instead I saw that smile grow as she looked at our friends, happy to know everyone was really there for her in sickness and health.

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now