Ex Girlfriends

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Hi everyone!! I know I haven't been on lately. I was at camp this last week and took a bit of a break from Wattpad. To make up for it, I'm going to be doing a double update of all my stories. Enjoy!

It was rare when Maya felt intimidated. She grew up in a rough neighborhood, spent some time with the wrong people, got herself into some sticky situations... So she was used to the rough-tough life style. And she was used to dealing with the people that came with that. So no, she didn't get intimidated. Until now....

"I'm Sadie, Josh's ex." The girl in front of her introduced herself. "We dated in high school, all through Junior and half of Senior year. Until he suddenly just broke it off. I always wanted to know the reason why he did, its nice to finally meet her."

Maya's eyes narrowed as she stared at the girl who tilted her head at her. She had a certain look to her that just made Maya feel small. Vulnerability was not something that Maya wore on a sleeve, but she couldn't help but feel it surround her as she stared at the girl.

"I'm late to class-" Maya started as she tried to walk past her but Sadie stood her ground.

"He started to talk about you there at the end a lot. Of course, he tired to play it off as him thinking of you like another niece. But I knew better. We're women, you know? We pick up on things like that." She smiled as she stared Maya down. Maya didn't say anything. This girl had came out of no where as she was trying to walk to class.

"I don't understand." Maya said. Sadie rolled her eyes, but still kept the smile on her face.

"There's a three year difference. I get it. He didn't want to admit that he was falling for you, especially since you were just starting high school as he was finishing up. Some kind of guy pride thing, you know?" She said. Maya looked over Sadie's shoulder as if trying to look for a way out. "Of course, I think he was just kidding himself when he gave the three year excuse. I think it just bothered him that he could be falling for his nieces best friend."

"If you're looking for Josh, he doesn't get out of class until around noon-" Sadie shook her head and cut Maya off.

"I'm not here to talk to Josh. I came to see you. Word around town is that he hooked up with his niece's best friend. I always knew it would only be a matter of time. Of course, I'll see him sometime today. I cant wait to gloat about it to his face." She smirked.

Maya felt this whole conversation was odd. She knew that Josh and his ex had been good friends before they started dating, and she knew that if she ever went home to Philadelphia they would probably run into her, as she and Josh had the same friend group even after they had broken up.

But this was just strange. She had always imagined harsh looks and possibly being ignored as she talked with Josh. Or even just ignored them. But to have her talking to her so subtly like this, as though she considered Maya to be a friend.

"Relax, you look like I'm going to attack you or something. I don't bite." She winked. Maya raised her eyebrows a little. Sadie motioned her head to a small table with two chairs in front of it. "Come sit." She said as she moved towards the chair and took her seat.

Maya looked over her shoulders for any sign of anyone to save her from what was inevitably going to be an awkward conversation. But there was nobody in sight. So Maya made her way over towards the other chair and hesitantly sat down.

"I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And I don't mean that in an ugly way." Sadie told her. "It was hard, you know? To hear my boyfriend talking about another girl while we were on dates. To watch him slowly start to fall for someone else. The sad thing is I don't even think he realized it."

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