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Maya Hunter was a person of many titles. She was a Best Friend, a Daughter, a Student, an Artist, a Girlfriend, and most recently a Sister. Everyone in her life considered her to be the best at each of these titles, maybe with the exception of the student, but she did try. She tried, she tried and she tried. And sometimes to herself, it just wasn't good enough.

Maya Hunter was also a victim of depression, anxiety, self-loathing, and crippling defeat. There were times when she hid it well, you could watch her and never know that she felt these things. And then, there were moments when it hit her hard. These were the times that she tried to isolate herself, hide herself away from the world so they couldn't see.

There were only very few people in her life that have seen her this way and know she struggled. Her mother and stepfather tried to be as supportive as they could. Her mother would come into her room and just stay with her, while Shawn would try and cheer her up with a movie or even just sit there and let her vent. But there were sometimes when he would just hold her, and if he had been in town tonight, this would be one of those moments where she would seek that. 

Her best friend Riley, was the sunshine to Maya's tunnel of darkness. Riley would often come over and bring snacks, movies, and sometimes even just an extra pillow to lay there in silence beside her, a hand resting over Maya's as a gentle reminder that she was there while her best friend cried into her pillow. But Riley was away from her dorm room visiting her parents in New York, and Maya knew that if she answered the multiple phone calls that she had already received from her, Riley would rush back tonight. And she didn't want to be the reason that Riley had to cut her time short with her family. So instead, Maya turned her phone off and let herself wrap herself in her blankets and try to block out the rest of the world.

But just as she was dozing off, tears still running down her face burning the skin on her cheeks, a soft knock on the door sounded through the dorm. At first, she just ignored it. It was, after all, midnight, and whoever could wait until morning when hopefully this moment would pass.

But whoever the person at the door was, they were insistent. Maya sighed, it was probably Farkle or Zay. Riley would have called each of their friends by now asking if they had heard from her. Lucas and Maya respected the relationship with Riley for it to be him, or at least for it to be him by himself.

After the third time of them knocking, the noise becoming louder with each time, Maya sighed and threw the covers off of her. She sat there on the side of the bed for a moment, somehow her moving like this made her feel worse, and a fresh set of tears started making their way down her face. She could make up some excuse. A fight with Josh, Some movie she watched, she was good at coming up with excuses on the fly.

But when she opened the door, all thoughts of lies and excuses flew out of her head when she saw who it was on the other side. Her breath hitched as she stared in shock. Josh though, didn't seem surprised to see her in the state she was in at all, in fact, he looked as if he'd known it. Or perhaps someone had tipped him off. Riley.

"W-what are you doing here?" Her voice cracked from the crying she had been doing. She brought her hand up to wipe the tears off her cheeks. Not that it would matter, he'd already seen them. That and her eyes were probably red and puffy from how much she'd been crying.

"Riley called me." He said quietly. "She told me a little bit about everything." Maya sighed and then sniffled because damn was her nose stuffed.

Maya moved out of the way and Josh walked through the door. Maya closed the door silently and relocked the door, resting her head on the wood and squeezing her eyes shut. Her best friend meant well, but if there was anyone that she didn't want to know she went through things like this, it was Josh.

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