Piece By Piece

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I think this song is literally perfect for Josh and Maya. Please enjoy!
Piece by Piece - Kelly Clarkson

And all I remember is your back walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past.

"Where's daddy?" A six year old Maya asked her mom as Katy pulled the covers up and tucked them under her chin. Katy sniffled as she ran her hands over the wrinkles of the blanket, smoothing them out.

"He went out for a bit." Katy told her, trying hard to keep from her voice cracking. Maya stared at the wet stained cheeks that her mother was currently supporting.

"When will he be back?" Maya asked. Katy bit her lip.

"I don't know, baby girl." She answered honestly. Maya looked away from her mother and out towards her broken window that was in in their old, rundown apartment.

"He promised me we would go to the park tomorrow." Maya whispered. "Could you take me?" Katy bit her lip hard.

"I- I would love to. But I can't, I have to work tomorrow." Katy told her sadly. "But I talked to the Matthews and they said you could come over and spend the night with Riley tomorrow night. I figured you'd like that." Katy told her as she moved a piece of hair out of the way. Maya just continued to stare out the window.

"Is daddy ever going to come back?" Maya whispered to her mother. Katy felt her heart break into millions of pieces. She didn't know how to answer that question.

"I-I don't know." She said honestly. Because what else could she say?

I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you. Begged you to want me, but you didn't want to.

"Does your mom know that you're here?"

Maya looked up from her hands that were resting on the table in front of her. She met her dads gaze and shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I mentioned it." Maya lied. Her parents had no idea that she had saved all her money to go on a round trip ticket on a airplane from New York to Austin Texas just so she could see her dad. And at sixteen, they would kill her if they ever found out.

"I was surprised to get your email. I wasn't sure if I'd ever hear from you again." Kermit stated with the menu laid forgotten beside him. Maya just continued to stare.

"I guess I just had a few questions that were still unanswered." She told him. Kermit didn't respond. Maya swallowed hard. "I met someone." Maya blurted our. "Someone great. Someone I hope to have a future with." Kermit gave her a look.

"You and he dating?" He asked.

"Not exactly. But there are feelings involved on both sides, not just mine." She said.

"That's great." But he didn't seem to be too happy as he kept his face in a small frown.

"I thought so." Maya stated. "And I've really liked him for a while now. And all I've wanted to do was be with him since I've met him. A lot of people call it just a crush. But it's grown into much more." Kermit just continued to stare. "But ever since he's admitted he likes me, too. I suddenly have this weight on my shoulders. This fear that's been inside me ever since you left has grown to be such a big part of me. And I don't want to feel that way, not about him."

"Maya you're sixteen years old." Kermit stated.

"I know." Maya told him. "And I feel this broken on the inside." Kermit flinched.

"Maya, at sixteen you're not really feeling what you think you feel. Your mother and I-" he hesitated and sighed. "-your mother and I were just sixteen when we first met. We thought we were in love and then things happened."

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