A/N Please read its important!

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Hey everyone! I promise this update isn't just going to be a authors note, I will do another update as well after you read this. But please read it!

Sooo, I need some help. I'm trying to get some better covers for a few of my stories, just because I think they need to be updated into something better. But I suck at editing and creating story covers.

The following stories that I'm looking to get covers for are:

"A singer and her bodyguard"

Even though both of these stories are finished, I still would like to get them updated into better covers because the ones I have aren't very good. And yes... I did make them myself, haha.

I would also like to get some new covers for my other two stories that are not finished yet.

"A Summer Fling"
"The Bet"

I also have a sequel coming out for "Not so little anymore." I would like to get a cover for the sequel as well.

I don't expect anyone to do all of the covers for these books, especially since its a big favor for me to ask you guys to take some time away from your day to make a cover for my stories.

But if you can do even just one of these, that would be amazing! And I promise that I will give anyone who wants to do it full credit and a huge shoutout! And if you need me to do a favor for you in return, I would be happy to!! As long as its not editing, lol.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this! If you can, please private message me and I would love to talk with you about it!

Thanks y'all!

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