The Sub

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The hallways at school were loud. Louder than normal today. Maya Hunter shot glares at her fellow students as they all talked excitedly and whispered to one another, cutting her off as they ran around her to get to other people that just walked in so they could share whatever they were going on about. And they were mostly girls.

"They must be going on about the new substitute gym teacher." Lucas stated as their group gathered by the lockers at the end of the hall with the same questioning look on their faces.

"I've never seen anyone get this excited about a substitute teacher before." Riley said as she put her arm through Maya's and continued to watch the students buzzing around.

"Apparently he's a college student from NYU. And from what I hear a major hunk." Smackle stated.

"College students as High School substitutes?" Maya questioned. "That doesn't sound like something that should be allowed."

"Apparently one of the more trust worthy teachers recommended him and the board agreed to let him stand in for Coach Taylor for the week." Farkle said.

"He must be one hell of a teacher then." Maya said as she got into her locker and grabbed her stuff out for Gym. She could hear some of the girls giggling beside her from a few feet away.

"- so nice!" One of them squealed. "I hope he's still at NYU when I go next year." "A guy like him doesn't look like that and not have a girlfriend." "A girlfriend doesn't mean wife."

Maya rolled her eyes and closed her locker shut before turning back towards the group. "I'll meet you guys there." She said. Riley put her arm through Maya's again and they walked together towards the gym.

"I wonder who he if Josh knows him." Riley thought out loud.

"Josh had every opportunity to bring it up at dinner last night and he didn't say anything about it when your dad mentioned the new sub." Maya said.

"Yeah, but dad didn't say he was a college student." Maya shrugged.

"Maybe he didn't know."

The girls got to the gym and walked to the locker rooms to change.

"He is so cute!" Missy Bradford was saying to a group of girls surrounding her by the showers. "And, don't say anything, but I think he was totally checking me out." She smirked while the other girls around her giggled. Maya and Riley both shared humored looks. "I was going to put am application to college out of state, but I think I may have found my reason to try out NYU."

Maya and Riley finished changing and ignored Missy and the other girls as they continued to talk about the new sub. What came out of Missy Bradfords mouth was about as good as horse shit, so neither of them left the locker room impressed with her claims.

"Alright, so where is he?" Maya asked as she and Riley came to stand beside the guys. She looked over at them in confusion as all three boys had their jaws slightly dropped and looking in the same direction. "What's the matter with you three?" She questioned as she waved her hand in front of Zay's face. Only when she heard Riley's short gasp did she look over and see what they saw. And she couldnt help but let her own eyes wide at the scene.

Standing there in a red shirt that had 'STAFF' written across the chest and a whistle around his neck, was Joshua Matthews.

And suddenly the pieces all started to click together. The hunk of a college student from NYU who was recommended by a trust worthy teacher. It was obviously Cory since he was as trust worthy as they came. And considering one of the people on the board of teachers in New York was Jonathan Turner, who would believe Cory if he said the world was ending. Besides, Jonathan Turner was a regular at the Matthews Household every couple of months for dinner, Maya would come home and see him in her living room having coffee with Shawn sometimes. Her and Riley both called him Uncle occasionally. He had known Josh since he was born, it probably didn't take a lot of convincing to get Jonathan to agree to this.

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