Soul Mates

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"Do you believe in soul mates?"

Josh looked over at the blond laying down  beside him, he stared at her for a moment as she continued to look up at the stars above.

"Yeah, I'd like to think they exist." He told her quietly.

"Do you believe in just one soul mate? Or do you believe someone could have more than just one?" Maya asked him.

"I guess it all depends on who you meet in your life." Josh stated as he looked back towards the stars.

Everyone has heard the story of what a soul mate is. It's the story everyone told when talking about love and marriage. For example, Maya and Riley grew up hearing all about Cory and Topanga, and how they were soul mates.

But over the years, Maya had learned a lot about what a soul mate actually is. She grew up believing that it was the person you were destined to be with for the rest of your life, your other half, the person that makes you feel whole.

And sure, that's the description of what a soul mate is, but it's so much more. There were a lot of unpopular opinions about soul mates. For example, Maya believed that you could have more than just one soul mate in different areas of your life.

Not everyone believed in that theory. Everyone wanted to think that there is just one soul mate out there for you, but Maya dared anyone to look at her and tell her that Riley Matthews wasn't her other half. Wasn't the part that made her whole. She believed that Riley was her soul mate, the person she was destined to be with for the rest of her life.

Riley was her best friend, her partner in crime, she was her everything. And Maya didn't want to live in a world where she didn't have her Riley Matthews.

But then there was Josh. Who Maya couldn't possible ever imagine herself not having in her life either. But for different reasons than Riley. Riley was half of her soul, but Josh, she had never met anyone who made her feel as complete as a person than he did.

If she were asked to choose point blank between the two of who her soul mate was, she didn't think she could choose. She couldn't live without one or the other. They both made her the person she was today, they both made her Maya.

"So do you believe that your soul mate is the person that you end up with no matter what happens in your life?" Maya asked. Josh narrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't know. I think you're incredibly lucky if you do meet someone that you end up spending the rest of your life with, considering how much people get divorced." Maya turned towards him on her side and rested her head on her fist as her elbow was propped up from the ground.

"I love you, so much. And I honestly don't know where I would be in my life if it hasn't been for you. Of course, I believe that Riley is also in some way, my soul mate as well. But I believe that someone could have more than just one soul mate but in a different way. Riley has brought me through so many dark places that has made up who I am. But you make up my entire world. I can't imagine living my life without you in it. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about when I go to sleep. It hurts to breath when I'm not around you and I miss you more than I miss any other person in my life. Which scares me because it makes me feel so vulnerable. But the point is, I don't think I could live my life without you. And if that isn't what a soul mate it, then what else other description could their possibly be."

Josh seemed to have taken this all in as he listened to her silently as she talked. He of course had heard the whole soul mate theory as well. After all, hearing about Cory and Topanga growing up had made him want to set out and find his soul mate at such a young age. Him and Maya were not strangers to this whole sentimental speeches, he knew just what she felt for him, as he had expressed his feelings to her more times than he can count.

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