My Future

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The Matthews weekend family dinners had become somewhat of a tradition. Once a week, Topanga and Cory would invite everyone over to their home for dinner and a movie as a way of spending quality time together. Used to it was dinner and a game, but after the monopoly board got flipped over by a competitive Topanga after Eric had won free parking for the fourth time in the game, they had decided to just do a movie instead.

Everyone would come. Shawn and Katy were regulars, Sometimes Amy and Allan would make the trip down from Philadelphia, Eric was rare, but he had made it priority to come to as many as he could. Morgan was once every blue moon. And now that the girls were in college, even they had gone from every weekend to only twice a week. Josh was also a maybe here and there. He was in his senior year of college and seemed to be swarmed by exams and work more than ever.

Tonight was one of those rare weekends where everyone was able to come in. Everyone except for Riley, who had planned a date with Lucas and had told her parents that she wouldn't be making it. Maya had no plans, and accepted the invitation immediately looking forward to seeing everyone who was coming from out of town.

Maya was very thankful that she was so close to the Matthews that she could find herself going to events and gatherings without Riley, however, as much as she loved them, without Riley it could sometimes get overwhelming. So, after dinner, when everything was cleaned up and everyone was starting to fight over which movie they were going to watch tonight, Maya had decided it was time for her to take her leave using the excuse as homework as she went.

"When are you going to come see us in Philly?" An exasperated Amy asked as she went to go hug her bye. Maya smiled at her. "Three months without catching up is too long." She said as she pulled away from the hug and held her by her shoulders.

"As soon as I can convince Riley to pry herself away from Huckleberry, we'll be there." Maya joked lightly. Allan scoffed as he came up beside her.

"You know you don't need Riley as an excuse to come see us." Allan stated as he was next to pull Maya into a hug. "You don't have to be blood to be our granddaughter."

"Just ask Shawn, I can't tell you how many times he's crashed in our guest room over the years when he comes to visit from travelling." Amy told her lovingly. Maya had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from showing tears.

"Thank you." She told them. "As soon as I get some time, I promise I'm there."

"You better be." Amy told her sternly before pulling her into one last hug.

"I better head out, too." Josh spoke up, Maya hadn't realized he had been so close to hear the conversation. "Since we're heading to the same place makes since to just walk together." He told her before turning to his parents and giving them hugs. Maya tried desperately to ignore the fluttering in the pit of her stomach as she grabbed her leather jacket and pulled it on.

"Yo Maya!" Morgan called out from the kitchen as she was pouring popcorn into a bowl. "I'm in town until Tuesday, so we're going shopping on Monday." She announced rather than asked. "And tell my niece if she wants to come with us than keep any talk of the cowboy at home. It's strictly a girl's day." She winked. Maya snorted.

"I'll pass the message along." She turned and gave her parents, Cory and Topanga hugs goodbye and graciously accepted a bag of leftovers from Topanga to take back to their dorm. Maya then grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder before starting towards the front door.

"By Misha!" Eric called from the couch with a pile of movies in his hands that him and Auggie were currently looking through. Maya pursed her lips together before opening the front door and walking out. Josh was a second behind her.

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