Lets Get Physical

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"What's sex like?"

Joshua Matthew's raised his head from his text book,
His eyes slightly wide as he looked up at the figure who plopped himself down in front of him.

"Excuse me?" Farkle, who looked like he might explode, sat there jiggling his leg up and down as he leaned forward, a certain wildness in his eyes.

"You and Maya have been dating for over a year. You're the oldest in our group. You've had to have had sex by now, right?" His leg continued to jiggle and Josh slowly closed the book and set it down beside him on the couch.


"What's she like?" He asked.

"Okay!" Josh exclaimed as he threw his pencil down and leaned back against his chair. "I'm going to stop you right there."

"Well no, not like that. I mean, yes like that but not like how it sounded." Farkle rushed over his words. "I mean- not how she feels when- you know- but how does it feel-"

"Stop." Josh stated a he held his hand up. "Just stop talking." Farkle pursed his lips together and Josh stared at him for a moment before pursing his lips together and putting his hand down. "You know if you were anyone else, I would have already punched you by now."

"You're not the first person to say that to me." Farkle said as he made a face. Josh relaxed as he threw one leg over the other so that his foot was now resting on his knee as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why the sudden interest in our sex life?" The younger boy took a deep breath and his leg jiggling became less frantic. He leaned over, his elbows resting on his thighs as he stared Josh down.

"Did you have sex before Maya?" He asked seriously. Josh kept his eyes narrowed as he studied Farkle for a moment.

"No." He finally answered.

"Then how did you know Maya was the one? What kept you waiting?" He pursed his lips together as if whatever answer came from Josh's mouth would be his saving grace.

"Well, I wasn't really waiting to wait. It just never felt right before Maya." Josh watched with slight amusement as Farkle shifted.

"But what made her so different?" Josh's eyebrows raised.

"What made Maya so different?" Josh repeated the question back to him. Farkle rolled his eyes.

"Well I know what makes her different. I've loved her since the second grade." The corner of Josh's mouth twitched. "But what made her so different to you?"

"My feelings for her, I guess." Josh said as started tapping the back of the couch with his fingers.

"You guess?" Farkle asked slightly panicked.

"I fell in love with Maya. We didn't start being intimate with one another until way into our relationship, when we both felt ready." Josh explained.

"And how do you know you're ready?" Farkle asked. "How can you tell when you truly are in love with someone?"

"I imagine it's different for everyone." Josh started. "For me, it's when I started waking up in the morning and realizing that I wanted her to be the one I woke up to for the rest of my life. The first person I think about, the last coherent thought in my mind before I fall asleep." Josh bit his lip. "There's never going to be anyone else but her."

"You say that with such certainty. How do you know this is forever? How do you not know one day that you might want something different, or she might decide that you don't love each other anymore? Then what happens if you've already given yourselves to each other?"

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