Secretly dating

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Here we go! I feel like because of the age difference between Josh and Maya that this would have been a good one shot to write. Enjoy! ❤️
It was six o'clock at night and the Matthews were all gathered around the table eating diner plus Maya. Josh had been eating over at Cory and Topanga's for dinner on week nights so he didn't have to spend money every night at a fast food restaurant.

The night was filled with laughs and playful shoves as they all joked and whispered to each other. Josh and Maya were sitting across from each other giving secret glances every chance they got without anyone noticing. They had been dating now for a couple of weeks but decided to keep it secret because of Maya still being seventeen. Not even Riley knew.

As the night went on Josh and Maya started to get a little impatient with everyone. They haven't seen each other in a couple of days and now that they have , they haven't been able to spend anytime alone together because of someone always being around. Josh started to fidget in his seat and Maya started to shake her leg under the table waiting for the right moment to excuse her self.

"Are you okay, Maya?" Riley asked in concern as she looked at Maya weirdly. Maya nodded her head and smiled.

"Uh yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom." Maya said as she excused herself and got up from the table going down the hallway. Josh waited a few seconds before excusing himself as well.

"I think I left something in my bag that I wanted to show Auggie. I'm going to go get it." Josh said as he got up and made his way down the hallway as well. Riley watched her uncle go down the hallway in confusion.

"I wonder what that's about." Riley mumbled to her self.

Josh pushed Maya against his door in his room and kissed her. His hands grabbed onto her waist and pulled her closer to his body as Maya threw her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss.

"We don't have a lot of time." Maya said in between kissed. Josh leaned back and nodded his head then went directly to her neck. Maya closed her eyes and put her hand on the back of his neck as he began to kiss her's.

"Then we need to make the most of it." Josh said as he leaned away from her neck and Maya pulled him back into a kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes as Josh pulled Maya away from the door and onto his bed with her laying on her back and him on top of her never breaking the kiss. A knock on the door broke their trance from each other.

"Josh is Maya in there with you?" Riley's muffled voice came through the door. Josh groaned in frustration as he had to pull back from Maya.

"Sorry Riley she's not in here." Josh yelled back then went back to Maya's lips.

"Well she's not in the bathroom and I don't think she would leave without telling me." Riley spoke again making Josh even more frustrated.

"I'm sure she's in the house somewhere. You know how Maya is." Josh answered back. Then he deepened the kiss on Maya as she threw her legs around his waist and he held himself up with one arm as his other hand was rubbing her side and her hands running through his hair.

"Well she left her phone on the table other wise I'd call her. Can you help me look for her?" Riley asked as she tried to turn the knob to go into Josh's room but realized it was locked.

"I'm kind of busy right now but I'll help you in a minute." Josh said as he shook his head in frustration and got up off the bed from Maya. Riley let out a soft 'okay' and walked back into the living room. Josh shook his head as he took off his wrinkled black t shirt to put on a blue one. Maya got up from the bed as walked over to Josh putting her arms around his neck.

"You were the one that wanted to keep it a secret." Maya said amused at Josh's frustration. Josh nodded and leaned in to peck Maya on the lips.

"We have got to stop relying on Cory and Topanga's house to meet though." Josh spoke as he broke away from Maya to put on some cologne. Maya smiled and shook her head.

"Well in two more months we won't have to keep in secret anymore." Maya teased as she straightened out her clothes and hair.

"Counting down the days, huh?" Josh teased back as he ran a hand through his hair. Maya nodded.

"Well I will be eighteen." Maya said as Josh pulled her back into his arms.

"Mmmm how could I forget." Josh whispered as he leaned down and kissed her again. Maya smiled through the kiss and deepened it.

"We should go before Riley organizes a search party for me." Maya said. Josh nodded and pulled back after kissing her one more time heading to his door.

"Wait about a minute and then come out." Josh said. Maya nodded as she watched her boyfriend head out the door.
That was a little more intense then what I normally write... Comment and let me know what you think!

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