Brother Dear

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It was strange, of all the things that she thought could happen to her in her lifetime, this was right down at the bottom of the list. It hadn't been fathomable. At first she thought it was some cruel joke that was being played on her. She was ready to attack Lucas, thinking this was his way of trying to be funny. But of course, it couldn't be a joke. He looked just like her, and that was because She looked just like him, she thought with bitterness.

"I realize that this probably wasn't the best way to do this." He stated from across the table. Maya's glare sharpened in response, causing him to squirm in his seat. She could hear that annoying voice in her head that sounded a lot like Riley saying this wasn't his fault. She was angry at the wrong person. "I'm sorry if I caught you off guard. I just didn't know of any better way to do this.

For only fourteen years old, he was already as tall as she was. Which wasn't a surprise, everyone was taller than her. He had her blond hair, her blue eyes, the facial features were the same. Really, anyone could tell that they were related when they stood side by side, and it made her sick to think about it. All these years she had a younger brother, a sibling, and she didn't even know about him.

"How did you find me?" She asked him, caution in her tone. She hated to be that way, especially towards a kid, but she needed to keep her guard up. She couldn't let him see through the mask that she currently had in place.

"Some friends of mine helped me do some research after I found your birth certificate. We found your mom first, and it had your old address listed. I went there first, but the landlord said you guys had moved out a few years ago, said your mom had gotten remarried to a guy with the last name Hunter. So we did more research and found out that she worked here. I knew it was a long shot, but I figured if I stuck around long enough, eventually I would find you." Maya's eyes narrowed.

"And how long exactly have you been in the city?" There was an edge to her voice, she knew it, and based on his facial expression he knew it, too. He swallowed hard.

"Two days." Maya's fists clenched.

"Does-" She stopped herself, realizing that she was scaring him, or actually making him upset based on the way his face was falling into a frown. Disappointment. This wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. She took a deep breath before continuing, her tone coming out softer. "Do your parents know you're here?" And even though she knew the answer before he shook his head, it still sent a wave of anger through her. He was a kid for fucks sake. "Where have you been sleeping?"

"I saved up some money," He said. "I got a hotel room, lied and told the lobbyist that my dad was coming in behind me. Told me to go ahead and check in while he grabbed the rest of the luggage." Maya closed her eyes and sighed as she leaned back against her booth. Great, she thought with mild panic. Not only did she had a brother she didn't know about, but he was also a runaway.

"You know-" She cut herself off again, tightening her fists. "I'm going to have to call him." It came out angrier and harsher than she intended. A reflection of the silent resentment she held toward him for having to reach out after so many years because he showed up unannounced.

"You don't have to." He spoke quietly. "I'll go buy a plane ticket back tonight, I just wanted to meet you before I left. I didn't want my trip to be in vain." But she could tell from his tone that he already thought it was. This meeting had not gone the way he wanted it to, and Maya realized with a jolt that she felt the same way.

He had come into Topanga's Cafe while she, Riley and Lucas were fixing to head back to their dorms on campus. He had come right up to her, his face lighting up like a Christmas tree. He told her his name, told her who he was, that he had been looking for her all over the City. And all she could do was stare in horror. Riley grabbed her arm and squeezed for support, she tried to pretend that Lucas's dropped jaw was just a facade from the fact that he had put this kid up to it. And when she had turned on him, she knew by his expression that this wasn't a joke, and worse, that his face held pity. Pity for her. She hated pity.

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