Gift Exchange

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Maya rubbed her hands together, cupping them and bringing them up to her mouth to breath hot air into her palms, desperate to bring some warmth to them.

It was mid-December in New York, and Winter had not been kind. It was averaging low twenties to early teens in temperature and snow was covering the grounds. Maya had been walking for about ten minutes, trying to get from her apartment to Riley's in a record of time.

She was bundled up in her big winter jacket with a scarf and one of Josh's beanies that she had stolen from him during one of their late weekend nights in his dorm room. Her snow boots weren't doing much from the cold as she could feel how frozen her toes were.

She had taken her gloves off to try and breath some warmth into her hands as she approached the apartment building, not having to stop for cars going down the street as they were going slower than usual because of the icy conditions of the road.

She made her way into the lobby area of the apartment building and immediately let out sigh of relief as she felt the warmth the indoors had to offer. She put her gloves back on and made her way to the elevators. She spent the less than a minute ride clutching the gift wrapped item under her coat with all her might. Keeping the smile on her face from the excitement of what was to come.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Maya made her way over to the Matthews apartment building and knocked on the door. She winced at the pain that it caused from her slightly frost bitten knuckles. She waited a few seconds before her best friend opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hey!" Riley exclaimed as she let Maya into the house.

"H-hi" Maya stuttered, still very cold from the weather outside.

"Maya come have some hot chocolate and warm up!" Topanga shouted from the kitchen. Maya smiled at her gratefully as she pulled off her gloves again along with her coat.

She sat them in the chair along with her scarf that she took off to place on top. She clutched the present and placed it underneath the jacket before walking over to the table and taking a seat. Her teeth were practically clattering together and she clutched the mug of hot chocolate gratefully as she took slow and long sips.

"I take it you're staying here tonight then?" Riley asked, smirking as she noticed the way Maya was battling with the cold weather. Maya shook her head.

"N-no, Sh-Shawn is going to p-pick me up on h-his way home." Maya said. Riley just laughed at her. Maya suddenly felt a presence beside her and looked up to see her smiling boyfriend beside her.

"Good morning." He greeted her as he came to rest his lips on hers. It was obvious that he had just woken up only a few minutes ago considering the sleep that was still edged on his face. "Gee's Maya, you're freezing." He said with a frown.

He got up from the table and headed back down the hallway, he must have bunked with Auggie. He came back a minute later with one of his hoodies and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Maya said as she placed her mug of hot chocolate on the table and took the hoodie eagerly. Josh reached up and pulled the beanie off her head.

"I've been looking for this." He teased her. Maya playfully glared at him as she slipped the hoodie up and over her head, immediately feeling results as it started to warm her up and her nose was infiltrated by her boyfriends scent.

"So what brings you here, Maya?" Topanga asked, already knowing the answer, but humoring her anyway.

"Well, since you all are heading to Philly in the morning to spend Christmas, Josh and I are exchanging gifts early." Maya told her.

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