The Ski Trip Save

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It was freezing. Of course, they all had expected it would be. It was after all in the middle of January, and they were at a ski lodge doing their hike in the snow. But there were still some students that found reason to complain about it.

Cory and Topanga were up in the front, leading the kids while Josh was bringing up the rear from behind and making sure that no kid got left behind. The trial only lasted for a mile, and it wasn't like they were going uphill, it was just a steady path that happened to dive off a cliff if you went over the side.

There of course had already been a few of the older guys that tried to playfully shove some of their friends over or would try to see how close they could get without actually falling off the side. Josh was the fun chaperone who knew what it was like to be a boy in high school that wanted to show off. He would let them have their moment, sometimes joining in on the joking before he got serious and told them to keep walking.

Maya really did try hard not to notice, but once again it was like she was trapped in never ending black hole that was Joshua Matthews. The universe loved to play jokes on her, and here was the biggest one yet, making her long time crush and the fantasy of her dreams the chaperone for her school trip. At first, she had loved the idea, now, as she watched all the other girls in her class give him dreamy looks and whisper behind their hands as they looked at him, she was beginning to think that maybe it wasn't such a great idea after all.

Not to mention that he had been haunting her thoughts even more so ever since they got here. She tried to keep her playful teasing attitude toward him, which he continued to crack a smile and roll his eyes at before moving on to whatever he was doing. It was harder than she expected it to be, not to mention that it felt like every single day she only fell for him harder.

She hadn't seen him in a while, it had to have been at least six months. She remembered talking to him briefly at a family dinner at the Matthews that he had come to. She remembered feeling all giddy after he left because this time, he had actually taken the time to start the conversation with her instead of her practically harassing him into one. He was smiling, laughing at all her jokes she made, taking interest in her art, asked about her parents, wanted to know if she was okay in life. She couldn't remember the last person who had straight up asked her if she was doing okay in general. It had taken her off guard.

Fast forward to the present and she hadn't been able to get a moment with him at all. It seemed as if he was taking his chaperoning duties very seriously. Maya wondered briefly if it was a hard job, having to play the fun college student while balancing the responsible adult all in one go. But if it was, Josh didn't show it. He was a natural it seemed like.

"Farkle! What are you doing that's not the way the trail goes!" Lucas called out suddenly, breaking Maya out of her thoughts.

Because Riley got injured and was now wearing a boot, she hadn't been able to come on the trial with them. Maya had tried to make up an excuse not to go either, but of all people Josh happened to be the one to tell her that she had to. Maya glared at him, he smirked at her, and Riley squeezed her hand telling her that she would be fine.

Maya, Farkle, Smackle, Lucas and Zay had all grouped together near the back of the class, talking quietly to themselves. Lucas had felt obvious guilt that Riley wasn't here with them, and Maya felt the void of her best friend beside her mostly because it meant she now had to be alone when it came to Lucas. Or at least, alone without her. She was trying very hard to avoid him, not feeling like talking to him while Riley wasn't here with them. She felt confused and didn't know what that meant exactly.

"It's my moth!" Farkle only called back with a crazed look in his eye as he started walking off the trail.

"What?" Lucas and Zay both asked at the same time.

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