Who's Pregnant?

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There was a small grin that lifted up the corner of her mouth as Maya Hunter Matthews looked at the line on the little test strip that told her it was positive. She was pregnant. They were going to have a baby. It's not like they had been trying, but they haven't been being careful either. Nor had they spoken about having kids since they were engaged.

There was always a small part of that wondered rather or not they would have time to grab something before being intimate with each other, but then that thought would be hushed with one touch and she never thought about it again after that... Or really, much of anything.

Her cheeks flushed as she set the pregnancy test down on the counter and ran a hand through her hair. Tonight would have been the perfect night to tell him, since it was Josh's birthday celebration. But their entire family was coming over to throw a party for him, and since it was their first, she wanted him to be the first to know.

"Maya!" Josh's voice called from down the stairs. "Riley and Lucas are here!" Maya bit her lip before putting the test in her hoodie pocket and throwing the box away, making sure some of the trash was on top of it covering the box.

She walked out of the bathroom and made her way down the stairs; Riley was already at the foot of the steps waiting on her. "Peaches!" Riley called to her as she came into her view. Riley looked like she was ready to pop and had been told by a number of people that she was not allowed to do stairs on her own anymore. Mainly by her crazy, obsessed, overprotective husband.

"Hey, Riles." Maya smiled as she got down the last step and they tackled each other in a hug. Riley and Lucas owned an apartment only about ten minutes away from where she and Josh lived. And despite their jobs and husbands, they still see each other about three times a week. Which in their opinion wasn't enough.

"I've missed you." Riley said as she held Maya tight. Maya smiled, Riley had proven to be a very hormonal pregnant women and had been more emotional in her last trimester. For a moment, Maya wondered if she would be the same. She had never been in tune with her emotions like Riley had.

Riley and Lucas got married right before their senior year of college. At that point they both had saved up enough money to find a place in the city together for their last year and Lucas had proposed during the summer after their Sophomore year. A lot of people had thought it to be too soon, but when they had explained their hope for a long engagement, slowly everyone started to come on board with the idea.

With Riley moved out, Maya didn't think there was any reason to stay on campus during her last year of college, so she had made plans to move back home with her parents. That was until Josh had asked her to move in with him one night during dinner when she had told him about her plans to talk to her parents. It had taken her off guard, she had never thought Joshua Matthews would be the type to make such a commitment to a girl before marriage. His family was so old school like that.

But she said yes, and surprisingly their families had been nothing but supportive. Riley said it was because she was Maya, and that there would be no way they would have been okay with it being anyone else. Like it even mattered.

Then on graduation night Josh had proposed. He did it privately, knowing that big gestures weren't really either of their forte. It was emotional for the both of them, one of the best nights of her life. Fast forward two years later and here they were.

"Everything is almost set up. Everyone should be here soon." Riley was telling her as she squeezed her hand. "Take your hoodie off and show me the new shirt you bought!" She called out as she walked away to enter the kitchen.

Maya clutched the test in her pocket before quickly unzipping the hoodie and making sure the test was still secure before hanging it up on the coat rack hook beside Josh and Riley's.

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