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Here's a little something I came up with. Hope y'all enjoy!
Josh came through the door of the Matthews home while rubbing his eyes. He hadn't been able to get a good nights rest since he started his Internship with the FBI. It wasn't the lack of sleep from having that on top of school work that was the problem, it's some of the stuff that he had seen since then.

"Good morning, Josh! Pancakes?" Topanga asked in her usual chipper tone.

"Actually I was hoping to catch Maya before her and Riley went off the school. I have something I want to give her." Josh said as he threw his satchel on the couch and stumbled over to the table.

"Tough night?" Cory asked his brother as he observed him. Josh chuckled.

"You could say that. So is she still here or did they leave already?" Josh asked avoiding eye contact with them.

"Her and Riley are in Riley's room." Topanga told him smiling as she pointed down the hall. Josh smiled and ruffled Auggies hair before he made his way to the back bedroom.

Josh knocked on the door and didn't open until he heard Riley's faint 'come in' from behind the door. Josh walked in and smiled as he saw his niece putting her shoes on and grabbing her bag.

"Where's Maya?" He asked causing a smirk to come on Riley's face.

"I'm not that short am I?" A voice asked. Josh turned to look over his shoulder. There Maya was standing where he should have seen her right after he came into the room.

"Sorry." Josh blushed as he looked down at the ground. Riley laughed as she watched the new couple of just a few weeks flirt.

"Oh please, you two are a new level of nauseating." Riley said as she came to stand in between them. Maya smiled, but then after she saw the look behind Josh's eyes she stopped.

"Hey Riley, why don't you go ahead to school and I'll meet you there." Maya told her while not taking her eyes off of Josh. Riley looked at her confused but then she followed Maya's eyes and noticed something about Josh was off.

"Yeah, sure. I'll tell mom and dad that you two are having a conversation." Riley said. Maya gave her nod while Josh smiled at Riley as a thank you.

As Riley walked out the door Josh finally dropped the smile and the circles under his eyes was more noticeable. She reached out to Josh and wrapped her hand around his arm to pull him closer to her.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Maya asked him. Josh tried to pull away from her but Maya had a death grip on him. He swallowed hard before answering.

"Maybe three hours." He answered. Maya's eyes watered as she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Josh you can't keep going like this. This is the third day this week that you have come to me like this. Josh I'm worried about you, you need to knock some stuff off your plate." Maya told him. Josh didn't say anything at first, but then he looked down at the ground and took Maya's hand in his.

"It's not that I have so much on my plate as much as I just... I've not been able to sleep very well." Josh told her as he kept looking down and wouldn't meet her eyes.

"What do you mean? Nightmares?" Maya asked him. When Josh dos t answer her Maya immediately threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into her.

"I just, I don't know how to stop them." Josh admitted to her as he embraced her from around her waist.

"What are they about?" Maya asked him seriously. She pulled back but only enough to look into his eyes.

"Just, weird things. Some nights I'll dream about my family being in a car accident or something happening and someone dying. They all end in someone I care about dying, rather it's my parents, Cory... You." Josh whispered that last part to where it was almost not audible. Maya ran her hand through his hair brining his head down to where his forehead was on hers.

"Have you thought about going to someone. Talking to a therapist?" She asked him. Josh shook his head.

"It wouldn't help. I just want them to stop so I can get one peaceful night of sleep." Josh told her with his voice broken. Maya wanted to cry at the sound of it.

"Baby." She sighed. Josh tilted her head to where he could steel a kiss. After he pulled back he placed his head back into her neck and she tightened her grip on him.

They stood there for a minute holding each other before the front door closing made them pull apart.

"Stay here for a second." Maya told him as he let him go completely and walked out of the room. She quickly went through the house to make sure everyone was gone before she went back into Riley's room to see Josh sitting on the door of the bed with his head in his hands. Maya closed the door softly before making her way over to him and pulling him up by his hand. Josh gave her a confused look as she pulled down the covers and got into the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, his voice horse and his eyes red from his lack of sleep. Maya shushed him before she pulled his hand down making him get in the bed beside her. He laid down beside her and placed his head on her shoulder and his nose was breathing on her neck. Maya pulled the covers over them and she started to run her hand through Josh's hair, she remembered a conversation that Josh and her had about when Josh was younger and he couldn't sleep that Amy would lay beside him and run her hand through his hair to help him.

"Maya you have school." Josh said with his eyes closed. However his arms encircled her waist and brought her closer. Maya smiled as it let her know that he didn't want her to leave him.

"I'll make it up." She whispered before Josh fully relaxed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep, one he hadn't had in a long time.
Hey y'all, so I'm currently writing some more stories for Joshaya that I'm thinking about publishing. I was wondering, if you haven't already, if you could comment down below and let me know which story of mine if you favorite so I can 1. Try and make my other stories better and 2. Learn from that story on the other stories that I'm writing. I hope that makes sense, lol! Love y'all!

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