Christmas Romantics

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"Merry Christmas!" Came multiple voices from the Matthew's Household as Maya entered through the front door. The Matthew's had always been big on the holidays, and where she lacked Christmas spirit, Riley made up ten times over.

"Merry Christmas." She smiled at them. She didn't have long, Shawn and her mom were setting up Christmas dinner for their little family and she only had enough time to exchange gifts with Riley before she had to get back.

"Peaches!" Riley exclaimed as she practically tackled her best friend into a hug. "Merry Christmas, Maya!" She was glowing. Of course she was. "Come on, I have your gift in here." She grabbed her hand and pulled her past all the family members taking up half the living room space.

Maya couldn't help but let her eyes wander over to a certain someone who was sitting on the floor by the Christmas tree. Their eyes locked, and Josh shot her a wink. Her cheeks flushed as she held the small package under her arm and focused her attention back on Riley as they rounded the corner and down the hallway.

They entered into her room and Riley closed the door behind them as she released Maya's wrist. "So tell me, how's Christmas been?" She asked excitedly as they made their way to the bay window.

"It's been like every other Christmas since Shawn came into our lives. We wake up, we open gifts, we make breakfast as a family, we watch Christmas movies all day until time to cook dinner. We eat, we play a board game and then call it a night." Maya listed over. It really was fun, and so much better than the Christmas's she and her mom spent alone before.

"Why don't you seem happy?" Riley asked as she tilted her head. Maya smiled warmly at her.

"I am happy. Happier than I used to be." Riley nodded her head approvingly. "But we better get a move on this because if I'm not home before they're done with dinner, then Shawn will finish off the Christmas cookies." Riley giggled before grabbing the package that was sitting beside her and handing it to her.

After they exchanged gifts and took a few moments to gush over them, Maya got back up from her seat and waited for Riley to come with her. But when she turned around, Riley was sitting frozen by the bay window.

"You coming?" Maya asked her.

"Can you believe that we're going to be graduating in a few months?" She asked. Maya sighed, Riley had that look in her face, the one that she knew this conversation was going to end with one of them in tears. "We're seniors, Maya. We're going to be in college."

"It's what we've always wanted." Maya nodded her head as she went to sit back down beside her best friend.

"Sometimes I feel like things are changing so fast. It's hard to keep up." Riley admitted. "Lucas applied to college in Texas. You applied to California-"

"I don't even know if I'll get in." Maya cut her off. "It was more of a formality." She wanted to reassure her.

"Of course you'll get in, Maya. Your art is good." Riley smiled. "They'd be stupid not to accept you." Maya sighed as she brought her knees up to her chest.

"I always thought that going to college meant staying here in New York. Being roommates with you. Being with Josh..." Maya trailed off. Having to grow up meant having to face a different reality.

"You and Josh will always find your way back to each other." Riley told her softly. Maya let her head fall onto her shoulder.

"And me and you?" Maya asked. Riley grinned as her head came down to rest on top of hers.

"You and I are infinite."

A knock on the door sounded and the both girls looked up as the door opened. Josh poked his head inside the room and smiled slightly at them. "Shawn's on the phone." He stated. Maya sighed.

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