Physical fight

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Hello lovelies! This one was fun to write. Hope you Enjoy!


"Hello! Anyone home!" Maya called out as she opened the front door of the Matthew's apartment. "Riley, I need you this is important!" She called out again as she walked into the apartment and shut the door. "Josh!" Maya exclaimed in shock as she turned to see none other than Joshua Matthews sitting on the couch.

"Hey Gorgeous!" He greeted her not taking his eyes off his computer. "Riley and everyone else went out for the night and wont be back until late, but I'm here." Suddenly Josh's smile was wiped away as he looked up from his computer to the blond that was currently standing in front of the door, with a black eye. "Maya what happened!" He demanded as he sat his computer on the couch and got up to walk over towards her.

"Nothing, I just need to see Riley." Maya told him but hissed in pain as Josh reached out to examine it.

"That's not nothing, Maya. Who did this to you." He demanded to know. Maya looked away from him and wouldn't meet his eyes. Josh stared at her for a moment before sighing and grabbing her hand. "Come on." He whispered as he began to drag her over to the kitchen and made her sit down on the bench.

Nothing was said between the two as Maya sat down and waited for Josh. Josh moved around the kitchen as he grabbed a zip block and started filling it with ice. Out of all the people in the world for Maya to hope be at the Matthews right now, Josh was not one of them.

Josh sat down and straddled the bench facing Maya. He gently placed his free hand around her waist and pulled her closer so he could apply the ice to Maya's swollen eye.

"Who did this to you." Josh whispered once again right at Maya's ear. Maya felt shivers run down her spine but then reminded herself that now was not the time to be acting this way. So instead she took a deep breath and turned her head to face Josh.

"I used to not be the best kid in the world, Josh. I got into a lot of trouble and made the wrong kind of friends. When I started hanging out with Riley and stopped being that person, I cut ties with a lot of people causing them to get mad. They told me if they ever ran into me again I'd be sorry. I was taking a short cut home, and well, I guess today just wasn't my lucky day."

Maya could see the way Josh was gritting his teeth and clenching his fist that was still around her waist.

"Who?" He asked. Maya sighed.

"Josh it really doesnt matter anymore, I handled it." Maya tried to assure him but Josh wasn't listening.

"Who, Maya?" He asked again. More demanding this time. Maya bit her lip.

"His name is Austin Chambers."

Josh didnt say anything for a minute as he kept staring at Maya. Things between her and Josh had been complicated. They had gone on one date and hadn't talked about it since. As far as Maya knew there were still feelings involved on both ends, but things had been busy for the both of them. So they just hadn't been able to get around talking about it.

"Where." Josh demanded to know, which told Maya only one thing.

"Josh, he's not eighteen yet, you'll get in trouble." Maya told him as Josh started to stand up.

"I dont give a-Maya the guy hit you! If anything he deserves to be sitting in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out his nose!"

"That's not funny, Josh." Maya shook her head. Josh narrowed his eyebrows at her.

"I'm not joking. I'll kill him." Maya had heard stories about Josh protecting his family. Of course her being her teenage self had wished on more than one occasion that she would be on that side one day. But this, this was just way too dangerous for Josh to get involved in.

"You cant. You dont know who this guy is." Maya stood up. Josh glared at her.

"And you do?"

Maya sighed before putting the bag of ice back down on the table and trying to walk around Josh.

"Tell Riley when she gets home to call me." Josh grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"You're not going anywhere, Maya. And I'm calling Shawn." Josh told her not letting go of her wrist as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"I already did, they talked to the police that the fight was reported to. Josh its already being taken care of but you got to promise me that you wont get involved." Maya asked him as she gave up trying to get out of his grip and came to stand in front of him, very close. "I spend the majority of my time making sure to avoid the people I used to hang out with. Up till now its worked. I just wont take that shortcut again, I knew better than to do it the first time, I just didnt think they still hung out over there."

Josh calmed down a little bit as he stared into Maya's one good eye, that was until he looked down at her shoulder. He gritted his teeth again and his whole body went tense as he gripped Maya's wrist tighter.

"You've got blood on your shirt." He told her. Maya smirked.

"Its not mine." She responded. Josh looked back up at her and Maya laughed.

"After Austin punched me I grabbed a rock and slammed it into his nose. I'm pretty sure its broken. He's going to have to go in and get it looked at and then the doctor is going to have to pull some records out. Their going to find out a lot about his criminal past."

The corner of Josh's mouth slid upward before it came back down again. Josh sighed before he took his free hand and brought it up to rest on Maya's face as he gently creased the bruise with the pad of his thumb.

"No man, ever, I dont care what the excuse is, should hit a woman. Especially you." Maya melted as she smiled up at Josh.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this." Maya whispered at him. Josh thought for a second before he leaned down and kissed the corner of Maya's mouth. He pulled back to see her shocked face.

"You still look Gorgeous to me." Josh leaned back in to kiss her again as he let go of Maya's wrist and brought his arm around her waist instead. They pulled back and smiled at each other as Maya rubbed her hands up his chest and across his shoulders. Then he had to ruin the mood.

"I'm still going to kill him."


I literally wrote this in like ten minutes. Sorry if it seems a bit rushed, this was actually a little hard to map out. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!

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