Falling asleep

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The whole apartment was silent as the lights were all off in the living room and the rain pounded on the windows. Riley knew there was no way anyone would be up at this time of night as she as quietly as she could put her house key into the lock and turned it.

She had tried to go through her window, but forgot that she had locked it and shut the blinds so that nobody could get in while she was out. She had Maya covering for her as she had left so late, so she knew her parents wouldn't think anything of it. She tapped on the window as quietly as she could hoping that Maya would hear her, but no luck.

Yes. Riley Matthews had snuck out of the apartment and was now just getting home at two in the morning. It wasn't technically her fault though. She had left her study notes over at Lucas's house and had to get them before her test in the morning.

Knowing she would be pulling an all night we anyway, she figured she would just meet him outside and get her notes. Seems like Maya had rubbed off on her after all. Lucas had walked her back home safely.

After she had climbed the fire escape and realized she locked herself out, she silently cursed as she realized that she would have to sneak past her uncle in the living room to get to her room, since Maya wasn't answering. And he was a pretty light sleeper.

Already soaked and exhausted, Riley felt miserable as she opened the door and slowly closed it and locked it back, trying not to make too much noise.

She tiptoed around and started making her way past the couch when she stopped in her tracks as she took in the sight that was on her couch. She bit her lip to keep from reacting and suddenly a smile broke out on her face, her misery fading just a little.

Josh and Maya, on the couch together asleep. Maya must have come out of her room sometime tonight and talk with Josh. She knew that if Josh had realized Riley had snuck out , that Maya would be the only person to convince him not to say anything. Although Josh wouldn't have ratted her out, he still would have been slightly worried about where she was and who she was with.

Josh was laying on his back, his head resting on a pillow that was up against the arm of the couch. Maya was laying face down on top of him. Her head tucked underneath his chin, her arms wrapped around his torso. One of Josh's arms came around her waist, while the other one dropped off the edge of the couch.

Riley had to hold back a squeal. She knew they must have fallen asleep like this, there's no way they would have put themselves in this position in their right minds.

They looked too comfortable and cozy to wake up. Riley couldn't wake them up. So instead she grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and spread it over them.

Since she was pulling an all nighter, she'd be able to wake Maya up before either of her parents woke up and bring Maya back to her room. She was happy for her best friend, if there was anyone that deserved to be happy like this, it was Maya.

Riley watched them for a few moments. She watched as Maya shifted slightly in her sleep, and Josh subconsciously held her tighter, as if he was afraid she was going to get up. The way Maya's head nestled more into his chest. And Josh let out a breath or contentment.

Riley giggled. Wait until she told Lucas, this would give him something to tease Maya with whenever she teased him.

Riley grabbed her phone and took a picture before retiring to her room, the smile never leaving her face.

Sorry it's so short, but this really is only meant to be a Drabble. But I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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