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Josh took another sip of his fourth coffee he has had that night. Anyone who knew Josh knew that he wasn't a big coffee drinker, so when he asked Maya to keep getting him more and more she thought that was a little odd.

It was nine o'clock on a school night and Maya was fixing to close up Topanga's after her shift that ended at nine thirty. Maya had taken a job there after she had turned sixteen so she could earn a little extra cash for her college fund. Now Maya was eighteen and was in her senior year of high school and was already planning on going to NYU next fall. Josh had asked Maya out on her eighteenth birthday and of course she said yes.

"Josh I'm about to close up you should probably go ahead and get back to campus." Maya said as she started to wash down the counter tops. Josh yawned while shaking his head.

"Un uh. I'm staying at Cory and Topanga's tonight so I'm going to walk you home after you're done." He said as he continued to type on his computer. There was nobody else in the diner and Maya went ahead and put the closed sign up. As she was coming back to the counter she narrowed her eyes as she watched her boyfriend chug down the rest of his coffee and ask for another one.

"How about a hot chocolate instead?" She asked him making him shake his head.

"I have to get this paper done by tomorrow or else my teachers going to fail me." Maya frowned at his response. She sighed as she continued to close up the diner purposely forgetting his coffee.

After Maya was done she grabbed her stuff and turned all the lights off in the kitchen and the serving area. Josh looked up and noticed that Maya was ready to go so he put his laptop back in its carrier and followed her out the door. Maya turned the main light off and locked the door before she closed it. After she was done Josh immediately grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with hers.

As they walked in comfortable silence swinging their hands back and forth Josh let out a huge yawn making Maya concerned.

"Babe, are you okay? You have been yawning ever since you came into the diner at eight tonight. You're never this tired that early." Maya said as she stopped their walking to look at him. Josh sighed as he brought his free hand up to run his face.

"I'm fine. It's just these exams and papers have me stressed that's all." Josh reassured her. Maya still wasn't convinced.

"Mmhm. And is that why you have been pulling all nighters this whole week?" She asked making Josh look at her shocked.

"How do you know about those?" He asked. He thought he covered it up so well.

"I got a phone call from Andrew and Jasmine this morning. They are both extremely worried about you." Maya said Josh scoffed.

"They had no business in calling you and telling you that, especially Andrew. How did he even get your number?" Josh asked his jealousy steeping through. Maya rolled her eyes.

"Stop changing the subject! They were just being good friend." Josh swallowed hard and looked away. "Baby look at me." Maya said as she pulled him closer to her and put her free hand on his cheek creasing it. Josh looked over at her as he leaned into her touch. "No more all nighters! If you have to take time out of your daily activities to study more then do it but don't risk your health by staying up all the time. That can cause some serious damage to your body." Josh smiled and nodded his head.

"Okay. But you have to come over and study with me." Josh said making Maya laugh and roll her eyes.

"Somehow I don't think we would be getting much studding done if I were there with you." Maya said making Josh pout but then yawn again. "Common, the faster I get home the faster you can go to Cory's and get to sleep." Maya said as she pulled him the rest of the way to her apartment.

"Shawn said he was going out of town this week. Is your mom home?" He asked Maya making her shake her head.

"No. She went to go visit some of her family up in Manhattan." Maya said as they both came to her door.

"Wait so you're here alone?" Josh asked starting to feel protective. Maya nodded her head as she unlocked her door with her key. After she did that she turned to Josh and kissed him.

"Thank you for walking me home. I'll see you tomorrow and remember get some sleep." Maya said as she started to go in but Josh stopped her.

"I'm not letting you stay here alone." Josh said as he gripped her wrist. Maya smiled.

"Josh, Shawn would have a cow if he knew you stayed here with me alone." Maya said laughing. Josh wasn't though.

"But Maya I would feel much safer if I knew you had someone here with you. Look I'll sleep on the couch and tomorrow night you can stay at Riley's." Josh said making Maya give him a look.

"Josh I'll be fine. I've been by my self multiple times." Maya argued making Josh shake her head.

"Only because I wasn't around. I'm not asking Maya I don't want you here by yourself." Josh said. Maya thought about it for a second before nodding her head.

"Fine. But you have to come up with the excuse to Cory." Maya said as they both walked into the apartment and closed the door.

"I'll just tell him I changed my mind and I decided to stay on campus tonight. He won't question it." Josh said as he put his stuff down on the floor and sat down on the couch.

"Do you want some hot chocolate? I wasn't planning on fixing any but since you're here I might as well. There are some blankets and pillows in the closet in the hallway if you would like to make it more comfortable on the couch." Maya started rambling on about different things that were in different places of her house while she made their drinks. "Josh?" Maya asked as she turned around with to mugs in her hand but immediately stopped and smiled when she saw her boyfriend passed out on the couch.

Maya put their mugs down on the counter and made her way over there. She grabbed a pillow from one side of the couch and put it under his head. Then she grabbed a blanket and put it over him while leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"Sweet dreams."
... That was probably the most random oneshot I have ever done. Remember requests are open!

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