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Narrator POV:

Betty was shaking, her breathing was uneven as she looked at herself in the mirror. Turning on the faucet, splashing cold water onto her face as she tries her best to come to terms with everything that's happened in the past few days. To think that just last week she was a normal teenager who had normal problems ended up turning into a complete nightmare. She turned off the water and grabbed a few paper towels and began to dry her face, once again looking at herself in the mirror throwing the paper towels in the trash and letting out a painful sigh. She shut her eyes tightly, trying once again to muster up the courage to walk back outside of this restroom and face reality, a reality that Veronica and her wrath forced upon her. The blonde continued to stand there feeling empty when suddenly a knock on the door startled her, that action alone made her realize that she couldn't stay in this restroom forever so with one more glance at herself in the mirror she straightened herself up and walked out of the restroom. Taking deep breaths as she walked down the hallways until she approached the room she had yet to go into but slowly she pushed the door open and walked inside cloning the door behind her as silently and carefully as she could because she was scared she'd wake him.

When F.P had walked up to her earlier that day, she felt like her world was ending when she thought he was going to tell her that the love of her life hadn't made it but thankfully those words never left his mouth instead he said 'He's fine Betty, he made it' in a choked voice she couldn't help but to pull the man into a tight and strong hug, feeling like life had returned to her. Unfortunately, though Archie, Toni, and her mother weren't so lucky and that was what made her lock herself in the restroom. She couldn't help but to continue feeling guilty since she was the reason they lost their lives, she was the reason why Jughead almost died. How was she supposed to face Toni's and Archie's loved ones? How was she going to continue with her life without her mother? So many thoughts rushed to her mind as she sat down on the little seat beside Jughead and she simply watched him as he slept, loving the sight of him breathing something someone always takes for granted on the daily. Betty continued watching Jughead that she didn't realize she was nodding out, falling asleep until she felt someone tugging on her arm gently waking her up "Betty" She then heard, lazily she opened up her eyes and stretched out her legs, trying her best to wake up quickly snapping out of it when she saw it was him who was waking her up. Her smile widening and quickly rushed up from her seat and pulled him in for a tight hug that caused him to groan but he still wrapped his arms around her, a small smile also forming onto his lips as he held onto her.

"I was so scared that I was going to lose you" She then murmured into his, a shaky breath slipping out of her as she continued to hold onto him as if her life depended on it. His grip around her waist tightened when he heard her saying those words, his heart tightening knowing that she'd lost so much and probably blaming herself for all of this when she wasn't responsible for anything. "You aren't getting rid of me that easily, Cooper." He simply said, trying his best to lighten up the mood but it only made her sniffle and tear up a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" She said and continued to say it making Jughead pull away from their hug, gripping onto the sides of her shoulders and crouched his head down a bit to look into her beautiful green eyes with worry "Baby, you have nothing to apologize for. I don't blame you for this, nobody does."

"I'm the reason that they're all dead, Juggie. How can you say this isn't my fault or that no one blames me for all of this? Veronica-" She tried to say but he immediately cut her off before she can continue rambling on and speaking nonsense about herself.

"Veronica is insane. She's the only one responsible for all of this not you. You can't blame yourself for somebody else's actions Betty." He continued to say as he kissed her forehead "You my love are the victim of a sick person's obsession, not the culprit. I can't begin to try and comprehend everything that must be going through your head right now and much less how you feel but I can reassure you that you're not to blame" He said as he sat down on the bed, pulling her down to him, careful not to hurt him in any way. The tears and the guilt continued to flow through her but thankfully, she was able to sleep and so was he. Sleeping through the night soundlessly as if the actions of that day didn't happen but she knew with him everything would be just fine eventually.

Jughead had to spend a few more days in the hospital due to how severe his injury was but thankfully he was out of the woods and was stable. Veronica was transferred out of the hospital and was taken into prison as she awaited for her trial, Betty grew anxious when she heard that Veronica's lawyers were trying to get the charges dropped because of her mental state meaning that she wouldn't have to go to jail instead she'd have to go to a mental facility where she'd only spend a few years of her life and that didn't seem fair to Betty. Thinking there was no justice for Toni, Archie, her mother, and Jughead, so while Jughead recuperated in the hospital, she began to find ways to make sure Veronica didn't get away with all of the harm she's caused. So with the help of Mary Andrews, Sweet Pea, Jughead, Sierra McCoy, F.P, and even Cheryl, Betty managed to find all of the evidence she needed to make sure that Veronica Lodge paid for all of her crimes in Prison not a mental facility.

Times were tough for Betty, she couldn't sleep and when she did she'd wake up with horrible nightmares, screaming from the top of her lungs but thankfully Jughead stood by her side and helped her along with her recovery of this trauma, a few weeks after her mothers funeral F.P Jones and Sierra McCoy had called her into his office where they'd discuss that F.P had legally gained custody of Betty since her father was nowhere to be found causing Betty to jump out of her seat and hug the man once again very tightly feeling like she finally could get some stress off of her. She had been afraid that she'd have to leave Riverdale meaning that she'd have to leave Jughead as well and that was something she couldn't even think of and despite all of the pain Betty had suffered here in the small town, Riverdale was still her home. After a few weeks had passed, Betty and Jughead returned to school hand in hand. Her body tensed as she walked down the hallway of the school thinking everyone was going to scowl at her or look at her in a weird way but as soon as they reached her locker someone tapped her on her shoulder, Jughead quickly standing up straight with his fists clenched and ready to knock him out if he'd say anything stupid to her. Kevin was looking down with sympathy and slowly brought his eyes to look into hers "I'm sorry about everything that you had to go through Betty, I just want you to know that I'm here for whatever you need" He then said and at the same moment, The football team and the vixens all gathered around Betty and Jughead "We all are, we're here for the both of you"

The school day had ended, Jughead waited for his girl outside of her classroom, gripping the strap of his messenger back as he waited and as soon as the door opened, Betty popped her head out of the class with a huge smile on his face "Hello, Mr. Jones is there anything I can help you with?" She asked, biting her lip so she didn't giggle but unfortunately that action failed since she still giggled anyways. Jughead straightened himself up and quickly grabbed onto her arms and tugged her over to his body not caring what the other students said or looked. "I love you" He told her, pushing her hair back so he could get a clear look of her.

Betty bit her lip, and tippy toed placing her lips on his, giving him a small gentle kiss that was filled with pure love. "And I love you" She replied.

A/N: And there it is folks! the end of this story. I know the ending kind of sucked but I kind of wanted to end this story already. And if you haven't yet check out my new stories :) 

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