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Narrator POV:

The morning slipped away from them quickly but neither did Jughead or Betty cared, they were so lost within themselves that nothing else mattered at the moment. Despite knowing that Veronica was still out there but they were both determined to not let her spoil every single moment of them being together, they didn't have nothing to prove but inevitably it's their love that will end up winning the war against the hurricane that is Veronica Lodge. It was hours until both lovers were exhausted but they were completely contempt with themselves, happy to be in each others arms. 

The were both breathless as he slid out of her, wincing at the loss of contact of each other. Jughead laid his head onto the pillow while Betty laid her head against his chest smiling up at him and for the first time in days, she didn't feel guilty for feeling this happy. "I love you Betty" He then said, kissing her on the top of her head and smiling against her hair as he began to stroke it. Betty could feel the redness taking over her cheeks as she heard those three little words coming out of his mouth and loving the fact that this incredible man that is Jughead Jones is all hers and not only that but he loves her, he actually loves her. "I love you too Juggie" She replies to him, she rakes her finger up and down his bare chest and they laid in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the comfortable atmosphere until they needed to talk about the plan they had to get whatever proof they needed to bring Veronica down. He looked up at the ceiling and was about to begin speaking when suddenly through the silence he heard her little snores, letting him know that she'd fallen asleep. He smiled happily then suddenly his smile faltered and soon it faded completely as he thought of Veronica, who may as well be the devil himself. He never thought once that he'd ever hate someone so much the way that he hates her but he does, he hates her for the simple fact that he's destroyed Betty's life and the life of several people and in that moment he vowed that he'd bring her to justice, no matter what. 

It wasn't long since Betty fell asleep when suddenly they were both startled by someone ringing the doorbell, crazily. Both Jughead and Betty quickly stood up from the bed still bare from their actions as they looked towards each other with their eyebrows risen up and their facial expressions filled with curiosity, wondering who could be at the door so without saying a single word they both got dressed and walked down the stairs as quickly as they could since the mysterious and unexpected visitor continued to ring the doorbell. Jughead pushed Betty behind him, his arm stretched out in front of her his way of protecting her in case it was Veronica. Betty gripped onto him as they slowly walked towards the door and suddenly, Jughead opened up the door and when he did they were both in shock to see who was the one standing on the other side of the doorway. 

"Cheryl!?" Betty shrieked out in shock. Jughead's eyes now narrowed as he looked at her with a death glare wondering why she was even here, he also couldn't help to feel uneasy since he knew that she was really close to Veronica not too long ago. Betty went to walk around Jughead so she could get closer to the redhead but Jughead quickly stopped her, keeping her behind him but his eyes were kept on Cheryl not knowing her real motive for being here and he wasn't about to chance it, much less if Betty was around. 

Cheryl on the other hand seemed different from the very confident girl she portrayed herself to be at school. Her eyes were puffy and red looking as if she were crying, her hair was also a mess and her clothes weren't spectacular like she usually wore them so Betty knew automatically that something was wrong "Jug, I don't think she's here to hurt us. " Betty whispered into his ear with a soft tone, her hands on his shoulders trying her best to ease him up a bit. 

"I'm not taking any chances Betty, I'm sorry" He replied to her in an instant. Both Cheryl and Betty understood where Jughead was coming from since Cheryl heard all of the rumors about Veronica being involved in the murders that have been happening so she knew she had some explaining to do and give them the reason as to why she was here. "Listen, I understand why you're being like this Jughead and honestly I don't blame you" She started with a low and soft voice. She sniffled as she began fidgeting with her fingers and continued to talk "But I really need to talk to Betty" She said, her eyes now staring towards them. Betty could see her eyes filled with shame and regret as she spoke to them but she also understood where Jughead was coming from and she doesn't blame him for it "How do I know you aren't here as part of Veronica's little plan" Jughead responded, his voice sounding a little bit harsher than he intended it to be but like he said, he wasn't taking any chances not while Betty was around at least. Cheryl shook her head in understanding so she opened up her bag and pulled something out of it making both Jughead and Betty widen their eyes in shock but at the same time shining with excitement as their eyes landed on the small book with the initials 'V.L' on it. 

"Because I come baring gifts" She simply replied, a smile replacing her frown on her lips. 

Jughead tilted his head to the side then began nodding it, biting his lip as he accepted her explanation. Both he and Betty stepped aside and let her in but one thing Jughead wasn't about to do is let his guard down. 

And while the two lovebirds were about to have a little chat with a certain red head, F.P was trying his best to get proof but he was soon realizing that it was harder than he thought. Veronica was a really smart girl who knew how to cover her tracks really well but he wasn't about to give up. He was currently going over the case files when suddenly his office phone rang. He took his glasses off placing the files back onto the desk as he picked up the phone which left him even more in shock, feeling his chest tightening as he heard what they were telling him. 

"And you're sure it's her" He replied. Shaking his head, trying his best to accept the news that they had just told him. He finished the phone call and sighed in defeat standing up from his chair, grabbing his jacket and his hat as he walked out the door to deliver the bad news. 

A/N: Ahh this book is coming to an end really soon but tell me what you think and remember leave a comment and vote :) 

Also I can't believe I actually found the time to update but I will continue to try harder to update every chance I get. Hope you're all enjoying your summer and my book :) 

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