For Her

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Narrator POV:

The night was endless for Veronica, the one person whom she believed would always stick to her side to protect her and cover her had just betrayed her. He literally walked away from her and told her that she was on her own, she felt lost and that's what made her even more dangerous, the betrayal of the two people she loved most had basically turned their backs on her making her vow to make them pay for all of the pain they caused her and she knew exactly where to begin. She smiled very sinisterly as she slid off the couch and walked off into the darkness. She knew everyone was expecting her to do something, waiting to catch her in the act but she was smarter than that making it harder for everyone to catch her and put her away. And one thing Veronica knew was that she needed to leave, escape Riverdale but she wasn't leaving until Jughead Jones was dead and Betty Cooper was leaving alongside with her. 

As Veronica thought of her plan, a certain blonde haired goddess laid beside a raven haired boy simply observing each other, taking in every single inch of each other, the night went by rapidly for them since all they did was give into their love and show each other just how much love they feel for the other and they couldn't be happier but Betty knew that something was coming, she felt it within inside of her and it made her heart hurt. It broke her to know that the one person whom she believed was always there for her and loved her the right way was really an evil person who literally ripped peoples lives away from them when she didn't get her way and that made Betty angry and get filled with guilt when she thought of both Toni and Archie, she was happy and she hated that she felt guilty for it because she knew that they wouldn't get that anymore. Jughead watched his girl with furrowed eyebrows and immediately knew what she was thinking and he let out a sigh causing her to break out of her thoughts and look at him straight in the eyes, her eyebrows now furrowed as well "What's wrong?" She asked as she begins to draw circles around his chest. Jughead simply nodded his head and placed a kiss on the top of her head before he began to speak. "Betts, look I know what you're thinking and it isn't fair that you feel guilty for what Veronica did. This isn't on you" He says to her "And besides why would she kill Archie, he never said or did anything to you" Jughead responded to her and at first Betty agreed but then something snapped in her mind and quickly sat up making Jughead sit up as well. "What is it?" He asks. 

Betty licked her bottom lip as she began remembering everything Veronica would say to her and that's when it hit her "Jug, you're wrong." Betty said with a small smile, making Jughead confused by her expression. 

Betty quickly turned to face him, slipping a strand of hair behind her ear, her smile still present on her lips but is a lot larger now than before "Jug, Archie would tease Veronica all the time about me and you. She would always tell me when it would happen" Betty begins, making Jughead curious as to what she meant. 

"What do you mean by that?" He asks with an arched eyebrow, as he begins to get a really good feeling about what Betty is about to say to him about Veronica or else she wouldn't be smiling so widely. "Juggie, when you first got to school it was evident that we liked each other and well you know we flirted very openly and well one day about 3 weeks after you began school at Riverdale, Veronica rushed up to me and you can clearly see the anger all over her face so I asked what was wrong and she told me that Archie wouldn't leave her alone and would tease her about me and you being soulmates and that we would end up together and there was nothing she could do about it" She explains and though its good that she remembered that still isn't proof enough that she would hurt Archie but then Betty said something that could land Veronica behind bars for good. 

"Baby, she keeps a diary just like me where she writes everything and I know for a fact that she wrote about Archie and Toni on that thing and if only we could get hands on that diary we,-" 

"We'll be able to prove what she has done" He finishes her sentence with a smile. Betty simply nods her head eagerly with a giant smile on her face and he instantly pulled her towards him and gave her a kiss that was filled with nothing but pure lust. Now that Betty had mentioned a diary it was time to think of how to get hands on that thing without Veronica knowing or else it could cost them their lives, literally. But he knew if push comes to shove he'll do anything to protect his girl, his Betty even if it meant giving up himself to save her. 

A/N: Kind of a short chapter but another is soon coming, sorry for the delay but i'm trying to write and finish this book as soon as I can so I can continue my other ones. Remember to vote and comment what you think :) 

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