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Soon after Sweet Pea left, I called an old friend of mine who happily agreed to help me out with this case. I look down at the picture that Sweet Pea brought in for me and began to run both his and her names through the database until Tom gets here. I only manage to get basic information on both of them as well as a long criminal record but a lot of it were bunch of baseless accusations, no wonder these poor kids double guess to come in and ask for help. I begin to write down all the information that I found as well as some stuff that Sweet Pea told me about the missing girl when I hear a knock on my office door. "Come in!" I shout out, dropping my pen down and taking my glasses off. 

"Jones!" Tom greets me with a smile. I stand up and shake his hand and tell him to take a seat, me and Tom go way back and it was really sad to hear that he was replaced by Sheriff Minetta, former Sheriff who I so happened to replace since Mayor McCoy found out that he was doing illegal activities. "How have you been?" I ask him as we both sit down. 

"Ehh things could be better I guess, how about you? What made you come back to Riverdale?" He asks me. 

I shrug my shoulders and look up at him "Change of scenery I guess" I say to him then we both laugh "Anyways, I called you in so you can help me out with this case that just came up" I say to him, trying to get to the point since I want to be able to give Sweet Pea answers the next time he comes. 

"Okay, what is it about?" I ask him, I grab the photo and slide it towards him, Tom quickly leans forward and picks up the photo and once he see's who is in the picture he sighs and rubs his eyes "You know her?" I ask him. He nods his head no but then talks "I don't know her personally but I know of her, she went missing around 2 months ago right?" He asks me. I narrow my eyes and lean back onto my chair and nod my head yes. 

He pleases the picture onto my desk and lets out another sigh "Tell me what you know Keller and don't bullshit me. There's a girl missing and her loved ones deserve to know what happened to her, she deserves justice" I say to him. 

"Oh I'm not saying she doesn't but this is the case that also cost me my job Jones. I know something happened to this girl, something bad and I also know who may have hurt her and why but if I tell you this, you have to promise me that you're going to be careful" He warns me. I nod my head yes warily and continue to listen to him. 

"She's a Serpent who went to Riverdale High since Sophmore year, really smart kid and motivated. I always knew she was going to do something good with her life, unfortunately she became friends with Betty Cooper" He says to me and that name catches my attention since my son is now dating her. "Why unfortunately Keller? Do you think she had something to do with her disappearance?" I ask him, somewhat afraid of his answer. He nods his head no and I sigh in relief but I see the worry in his face. 

"You haven't answered why it was unfortunate that she became friends with her" I say to him. 

"I have no proof F.P only intuition, Betty wasn't involved but her girlfriend was. I just know it, Veronica was always very territorial with Betty almost like she was obsessed and if I'm being honest with you, she creeps the shit out of me." He says to me, I once again narrow my eyes and begin wondering who this Veronica girl was when suddenly I remembered the incident that occurred the other day at Alice's house when we were there. "Why do you say obsessed though? I mean something had to happen to make you think that and for her to creep you out" I say to him. 

He nods his head and leans forward and I do the same "Betty was at a vulnerable state when her dad left, she was confused as well as lost and this Veronica girl took advantage of that. She made Betty think she was a lesbian so she would get with her despite the fact that Betty never once said she liked her or had any interest in girls which is why Alice was always skeptical about their relationship, Alice knew for a fact that Veronica was brainwashing Betty and so she tried her hardest to separate the two but it didn't work . " He says to me. 

"Okay but that doesn't tell me why you would suspect of her" I say to him. 

"I'm getting there, I just need you to know everything from the beginning. They got together in the middle of their freshmen year but they were never affectionate. Whenever Veronica tried to hold Betty's hand or kiss her, Betty would turn her down and you can literally see the anger in her face when Betty would do that. From what Kevin tells me, it was the middle of their Sophmore year when suddenly a new boy walked into Pops, I believe his name was Cassidy anyways he tried to hit on Betty and according to Kevin, Betty turned him down instantly but the guy was persistent. One day Cassidy went missing, his parents went crazy when we couldn't find him when suddenly I got a call about 3 months later from someone reporting a dead body near Sweet water River, I rushed over there and guess who it was." He says. 

"Cassidy" I reply instantly, my stomach churns giving me an awful feeling about what he's about to say next. 

"It so happens that, Toni and Betty became close earlier this year. Close to the point where Betty broke up with Veronica because she would treat Toni so horrible I don't think it was a coincidence that she went missing only the following week. I began to ask questions and well that cost me my job. If I were you, I'd try to investigate as silently as possible and I wouldn't trust anybody. I would also advise you to keep a close eye on Betty, an obsession can turn deadly and she can end up dead" 

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