Plan B

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Veronica POV:

I finished applying the finishing touches on my make up and look down at my masterpieces, feeling contempt with the way I look for the plan I have come up with to get my Betty back. I began getting my shoes on when suddenly my phone pinged, I quickly grabbed it and furrowed my eyebrows when I seen that it was a message from Archie Andrews. I roll my eyes already knowing the reason why he's texting me and so I open it but when my eyes land on the photo he sent me I grip my phone tightly and throw it across the room and began destroying my room, mirroring the way my heart feels right now. 

"Everything was fine, FINE until Jughead came into the fucking picture!" I growl out to myself as  continue to destroy things inside of my room. She lets him touch her in ways that she never let me, she has showed herself to him in the most vulnerable state and he doesn't deserve it! I do! 

"Mija! Stop!" I hear my mother walking in and rushing to my side so she could calm me down but it doesn't work, how could it? I've done things, unspeakable things to people to prevent them from stealing her from me and this idiot who came here not even 2 months ago has her in his arms without even fucking trying. I feel my mother wrapping her arms me and I instantly breakdown, my plan won't work not like this and especially not after what I just seen on that photo so I knew I had to come up with plan B and I know exactly who will be my victim. 


Jughead POV:

After my dad left, Betty was left speechless and afraid. She just found out that her friend had recently gone missing when she thought she was at another school when in reality the truth was a lot more darker than she thought. I watched as Betty bit her lip and sat down on the couch and was clearly lost in thought so I sat besides her and pulled her into me making her lay her head onto my chest as she laid her body on top of mine, we simply laid there in a comfortable silence but deep down I was afraid for my girl, afraid that Veronica's obsession will go further and will end up hurting my Betty. We continue to lay there until we end up falling asleep in each others arms but wake up a few hours later, I look around the house and find it dark as it should be. I try to wake up Betty but fail so I carefully get up without waking her up and pick her up bridal style and carry her up the stairs and into her room so I could lay her down onto her bed and once i do, I look out her window, not the one facing my house but the one facing Archie's and notice that he isn't alone so I simply nodded my head and smirked then laid besides my beloved and fell asleep, not realizing that I should have paid attention to who was keeping Archie company. 

Narrator POV:

The night was calm and silent for Betty and Jughead as they enjoyed their sleep within each others embrace not knowing that next door, it was the complete opposite. 

"What made you change your mind? Was it the photo?" Archie asked the raven haired princess who he thinks has finally fallen for his spell but in reality her intentions were a lot more sinister than he could imagine. Veronica simply looked up at him with fake innocent eyes and smirked "I guess I do have to move on" She says mockingly as she slowly grabs the knife she had hidden before they began their sexual encounter and before he even saw it coming, Veronica dug the knife into his side and twisted it causing Archie to let out a low whimper and let out his final breaths, keeping his eyes on the girl he always wanted for himself not realizing that he had made a grand mistake. 

"You rest now dear Archiekins, this is for destroying the image I have of Betty but at least I did you a favor before I killed you" Veronica said, placing a kiss onto his cheek then smiling as Archie closes his eyes for the final time. 

Veronica lets out a laugh of triumph and gets up from the bed and gets dressed and once she's fully clothed, she walks up to the window and stares out towards Betty's dark bedroom, where soon she will have Betty all to herself and walks out of the Andrew's residence without even being seen, it was like she was never there. 

when morning came, both Betty and Jughead were woken up by banging once again causing them to get up quickly and in a panic they rushed downstairs and opened the door and once again it was Jughead's dad only this time he had even worse news to give to them than the day before. 

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