Always With You

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Betty POV:

Jughead walks me to first period, giving me a kiss goodbye and handing me my books. I walk into class and go straight to the back where Josie and I always sit. 

"Hey girl" She says enthusiastically. 

"Hey!" I greet back with the same enthusiasm. Placing the books onto my desk and quickly taking a seat watching almost every classmate of mine whispering and looking towards my direction. I roll my eyes, turning my attention over to Josie who is looking at me with a smile. She wiggles her eyebrows making me laugh. 

"So, you and Jones finally came clean about your feelings huh?" She asks me. 

I sigh happily and nod my head yes, not being able to hold back the wide smile that comes to my face "It was about time, I was tried of living a lie. It wasn't fair to Veronica, I couldn't keep lying to her and leading her on when in reality my feelings for her are long gone" 

"I agree girl but it also wasn't fair to you to stay in a relationship where Veronica only thought of herself, I'm glad you followed your heart" She says to me and with that the professor walks inside and begins the lesson. Throughout the whole class period, I kept getting glances from the other students but I honestly didn't care what they have to say about me or the decision I made regarding MY personal life, they didn't know me nor did I owe them an explanation. I'm happy and I don't regret anything that happened in the past 24 hours. 

Jughead POV:

"Dude! You're a fucking legend!" I hear Reggie say to me while I'm taking note. I smile wide and shake my head at his comment. 

"Why am I a legend?" I ask him out of curiosity. 

"Do you know how many guys tried getting with Cooper? I'll tell you a lot and do you know how many actually got with her? None, only you so I think that makes you a legend" Reggie answers, I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to my notes, not wanting to pay any attention to any of the whispering's that are going on in the classroom and much less what Reggie has to say about my new relationship with Betty, since I don't care about being any type of legend. All I care about is making Betty happy and not letting her regret her choice of picking me, now that I finally have her by my side I'm going to make sure I'm the best boyfriend she deserves. 

I continue paying attention when suddenly the bell rings, quickly standing up while grabbing my things and walk out without saying anything to Reggie and head towards Betty's class so I can walk her to her next class but when I get there I see her being bombarded by Veronica, Cheryl, and Kevin. 

I walk up to them and I can see the anger that's fuming out of Betty as I walk up to her. "What's wrong?" I ask her, kissing her on her forehead, snaking my arm around her waist and pulling her close. 

"These hyenas think they can gang up on Betty" Josie then says to me. 

"We aren't ganging up on her, we're only stating the truth" Kevin comments with a evil smirk on his face. 

Betty simply chuckles and nods her head "of course you'd take her side, I mean why wouldn't you? It's not like she didn't cheat on me throughout our whole relationship but once I end things with her so I can be with the one I actually want, suddenly makes me the bad guy" She says to him, loving the fact that she's standing up for herself and for us. 

"Still a skanky move" Cheryl adds crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow. 

"Call her a skank one more time" I growl out to her, putting Betty behind me "I suggest the three of you back the fuck up and leave Betty alone from now on if you want to avoid having any problems" 

"If anything you shouldn't have crossed me" Veronica adds. Finally speaking up. 

I smirk down at her and see her tensing up a bit "Or else what? You're going to call daddy to come save you?" I ask her with a risen eyebrow "Face it Lodge, you lost Betty the moment you cheated on her. Don't make me or her the bad guys in your story when you're the only one here who pushed her away" I say to her. Betty stands by my side and wraps her arms around my torso.I kiss her temple then look back the three musketeers who look like they're about to lose their shit at any given moment. 

"Talk down to me, talk about me, insult me, do whatever you'd like but it won't change the fact that I'm happy. I don't care about cutting toxic people out of my life, it's not like you were good friends to me anyway" She says to them.

"Come on Juggie, Josie i'll see you in lunch" She says to her friend. 

"You got it girl" Josie replies, looking at Veronica up and down the walks past her, shoving her in the process. Me and Betty begin walking down the hallway with smiles on our faces not caring about anything or anyone. Once we hit the corner I stop her from walking, placing my hands onto her shoulders "Hey, you sure you're okay?" I ask her, feeling worried about her after what happened I mean after all they were her friends. 

Betty simply shrugs but continues to have that beautiful smile on her face " I honestly don't care Juggie, I meant what I said back there I'm happy and I'm not going to let them ruin that" She says to me, getting closer to my body and seeing her get on her tippy toes then kisses my lips. 

I grab her around the waist opening my mouth as she opens her granting me access so that my tongue can explore her mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance but once again my tongue wins, I smirk as I hear her pretty little moans in between our kiss. We pull away with our breaths heavy, leaning our foreheads against each other as we look at each other in thee eyes. "Thank you for choosing me" I whisper to her. 

"I'll always choose you" She whispers back with a smile, her fingers toying with the hairs from the back of my neck then pushes me back in for a kiss.

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