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Narrator POV:

Both Betty and Jughead were standing side by side as they looked down at the couch where Cheryl Blossom was currently sitting on with an arched eyebrow in confusion. Looking up at them just as they were looking down at her. "Are you guys going to say something?"She finally spoke, deciding its better to get this over with and begin talking about the reason she's here which is to take down Veronica once and for all. 

"How did you know we needed this?" Betty responded with hesitation, quickly grabbing onto Jughead's hand and intertwining their fingers. He was her light despite how bad shit got she knew he was the only thing she needed to pull through and to be strong. "I didn't" Cheryl replied with a casual shrug as if it were nothing and that just enraged Jughead so he let go of Betty's hand and grabbed onto Cheryl's shoulders tight enough to inflict fear, he knows he shouldn't do this but she was pushing his patience, Veronica was a stone cold killer who was obsessed with Betty so he didn't have time to play nice with her. "Jug!" Betty squealed out in shock grabbing onto his arm and looking up at him with fear in her eyes for him, not for Cheryl. 

"Baby, you need to calm down" She says to him in  a slight panic, trying her best to get him to look down at her before he hurts her but he wasn't budging nor was he answering but he was talking and she could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke to the red head that was currently within his grasp. "Listen here Cheryl, we don't fucking have time for your stupid little games. People are dead, actual people so I think it's best you start talking to us hmm? Before she strikes again and lets hope she doesn't decide to go after you next" Jughead growls out, leaving both girls in the room widen their eyes in shock at his words but Betty knew he was right and though Cheryl didn't want to admit it she also knew he was right about what he just said so she swallowed the lump that was in her throat and nodded her head up and down as quickly as possible "Okay, okay I got it, I'll tell you everything I know and I'm sorry about being so casual and stupid" She says in  a whimper like tone. He continued to glare down at her but still let go of her and walked a few steps backwards letting out a breath, He shook his head in agreement and content that he managed to knock some sense into the red head and gestured for her to start talking. 

Betty bit her lip in anticipation walking towards where Jughead was and once again connected their hands since right now he was the only one that could make her feel safe and keep her grounded. 

"You heard him Cheryl, start talking." Betty snapped. 

Cheryl stood there looking over at them with understanding eyes, pushing her hair backwards only for it to end up in the same spot it was. She cleared her throat and before they asked again she began talking "I came here because I know just like you Betty that Veronica writes everything down in that little book that's currently sitting on that coffee table." She begins "I didn't want to believe it at first......Believe that Veronica was only using me, that the one she really wants is you until I heard about Archie and everything just seemed to click in my head." Cheryl smiles as she thinks back to everything, every single thing. Betty and Jughead didn't really need the book because they have her, they have a witness who no longer cares about what happens to her as long as Veronica paid for everything she's done. "Betty, I witnessed it all. Every attack, every rage, every kill" She finally blurted out but as she finished talking, Betty's front door flew open causing the three of them to turn their attention over to the door and in walked F.P with news that he was sure going to send Betty over the edge.

"Dad?" Jughead said with a questionable gaze but his expression softened as soon as F.P took of his hat and tears began to stream down his cheeks looking directly at Betty with a sad and heartbreaking expression and something inside of Jughead already knew that he was hear to deliver some more bad news. 

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