She's Mine

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Jughead POV:

I flick her nipple with the tip of my tongue feeling her hands run all over me, from my hair all through my back. The room filled with her moans I try my best to contain her from being too loud but at this point there is no point since we're both lost in both lust and infatuation. I liked Betty from the moment I first laid eyes on her and I know for a fact that she felt the same way too and this just proves it. 

I thrust my fingers into her and at first she tenses up and whimpers in pain but as I continue to pump them in and out of her she begins to loosen up. 

"Jug, Don't stop, please don't stop" She begs. 

"I promise you I'm not beautiful, you don't know how much I've been waiting for this moment" I whisper back to her as I continue to finger fuck her. I can feel how tight she is and I can't help but groan at the fact that no one has ever touched her this way, not even Veronica. 

I feel Betty's walls tightening around my fingers giving me the hint that she's about to reach the first orgasm of the night. I may not want her to lose her virginity to me right now but I do plan on making her feel good and special. Her breathing quickens and her grip on me tightens as I pump my fingers faster, causing her moans to get louder. 

"I'm- Juggie, I'm" She moans not being able to finish her sentence but I know exactly what she's trying to say since soon after I feel her juices coating my fingers. I pull out of her hearing a whimper coming out of her mouth once I do. I grab her chin and force her to look at me while I place my fingers into my mouth and lick her juices off. 

"Jesus, you're fucking sexy" I hear her say. I smirk down at her and lean back down on top of her and reconnect our lips together, my cock begging for release but today is about her and making her mine. 

Veronica POV:

I lay on my bed, trying to call Betty once again but yet again I'm sent to voicemail automatically. I know I haven't been the best girlfriend to Betty but she means everything to me and I don't want to lose her after everything we've been through, so I get up and get dressed and head towards Betty's house so we can fix things. Maybe my mother is right, maybe I am overreacting and blowing things out of proportion but as soon as I drive up to her driveway, I see Jughead through the window with out a shirt slipping up his pants. 

I feel my heart literally breaking but as soon as I see Betty standing up completely nude wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss, I break down and without hesitation I rush into Betty's house without knock, ignoring Mrs. Coopers yells as I walk up the stairs and barge into Betty's room making both Jughead and Betty pull away from each other. 

"How could you!?" I yell out to her, feeling the tears flowing down my cheeks. 

Betty quickly grabs Jughead's shirt and put it on as they both look over at me, guilt no where seen on there expressions. Betty lets out a sigh slipping a strand of her beautiful hair behind her ear. "V. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I was planning on ending things with you tomorrow but I guess It's better to do it now" She says. 

"Little girl you can't just barge into my daughters room while she has a guest over" I hear Ms. Cooper say from behind me feeling the smirk she has placed on her face. Knowing that she wanted nothing more but for Betty to get with a guy. 

I turn around to find Betty's mom and an older man who looks like Jughead standing there looking at me as if I were crazy. I sniffle and wipe a tear that was falling down my cheek and clear my throat "This must make you very happy right Ms. Cooper?" I ask her dryly, looking down at the floor. "You got what you wanted" I simply say, making her cross her arms across her chest while I look back over at Betty and Jughead who now has his arm snaked around her waist, I close my eyes since I can't bring myself to look at this nightmare. 

"I'm really sorry Veronica, I really am but you know our relationship went to shit when you cheated on me with Cheryl. I know this doesn't condone my actions but I can't keep denying my feelings anymore, I like Jughead and I like him a lot" She says to me, I can't bring myself to hear another word so I put my hands up and shake them around and quickly go to walk out of her room, shoving her mother aside and walk down the stairs without saying another word. I manage to pull out my keys with my shaky hands and open up my car. I hit the steering wheel a couple times feeling the pain and the anger mix inside within me. 

Without another thought I drive off, not wanting to believe that I actually lost my Betty. 

Betty POV:

"I'm sorry mom" I say to her, crossing my arms across my stomach. 

"No need to be sorry, I'm just happy that you finally made a choice" She says to me with a wide smile, I scoff and shake my head but can't help but fight the shit grin that forms on my face as I feel Jugheads arms wrapping themselves around my tightly. 

"You're not going to hurt me right?" i ask him. 

"Never" He replies instantly, leaning down to give me a kiss on the lips. We hear my mother clear her throat making us pull away and laugh as both my mom and his dad look over at us with risen eyebrows. 

"Get dressed, both of you so we could finally eat" My mother then says turning around and leaving my bedroom, Jughead's dad following closely behind. I sigh once again sitting down on my bed not being able to help but feel guilty for everything that went down Veronica and the way it went down. 

"What's wrong gorgeous?" I hear Jughead ask snapping me out of my guilt trip. He sits besides me taking my hand and intertwining it with his. 

"I just feel bad for the way she found out about us, I didn't want her to walk in on us while we literally just finished hooking up" I say to him, looking down. 

I hear him sighing now taking my hand and placing it with his, intertwining our fingers together "Listen, I know she means a lot to you and I'm sorry for breaking you guys up-" He says but I immediately interrupt him. 

"No baby, you're not the only reason why we broke up. I mean yes I wouldn't have dumped her so quickly but the truth of the matter is the trust was long gone from the moment I found out she cheated first so in reality our relationship was breaking already, it just so happens that a sexy mysterious man showed up and quickened the actions" I say to him. I see a hint of pink shading over his cheeks making me giggle at just how adorable he is. 

"I like you Betty, I like you a lot and if you ever want to be friends with her then I want you to know that I won't ever stop you from doing that. I trust you Betty" He says to me our faces leaning closer and closer. 

"You're awesome you know that?" I ask him. 

"Ehh, I'm alright I guess. So does that mean we're together now?" He asks and I quickly nod my head yes, we both smile at each other and reconnect our lips together. 

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