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Jughead POV:

The banging on the door woke me and Betty up instantly and made us groan as we looked over at the time and seen how early it was but we managed to get up and get dressed and rushed downstairs, opening the door to find my dad once again on the other side. Internally groaning and feeling slightly embarrassed since Betty might think that he's being a cockblock. 

"Morning" He says but his smile isn't present on his face and that makes my stomach drop even more, I look over my shoulder towards Betty who is looking at me with a worried look on her face . I give her a small smile, a smile that she returns. I look back over to my father and notice how uneasy he is right now, while keeping his eyes on me. "What's wrong?" I finally ask him in a low voice, my dad notices my body language and realizes that I want to know first before we tell Betty so he lets out a sigh and takes off his hat "Can we talk outside first? I don't know how to tell her" He replies to me and this time the bad feeling that I feel inside intensifies, I look back over at Betty who is still standing near the stairs and waits for me to speak with her beautiful golden locks now pulled up in a messy bun looking beautiful as ever "He wants to talk to me outside really quick, I'll be back okay" I say to her and she simply nods and gives me a tight smile before walking into the kitchen, I walk outside quickly closing the door behind me, running my fingers through my messy hair "What is it?" I then ask him not beating around the bush and going straight to the point. 

I look to my side and notice all the cars as well as Mrs. Andrews crying and that makes me panic, I quickly turn towards my dad with a confused expression feeling anxious "What happened?" I ask once again. 

"Archie Andrews was murdered last night son" I heard the words that came out of his mouth and heard them repeat themselves over and over, not wanting to believe what he just said. "WHAT!?" I shout out. I struggle with what to say next and run a hand down my face "Do you know what happened? I just seen him last night!" I say to him, making my father furrow his eyebrows together "What do you mean, you seen him last night?" He asks me. 

"Well yeah, I put Betty into bed last night and I seen him through the window with some girl last night" I reply to him, remembering clearly what I saw but regretting not paying more attention to the girl he was with. 

"What'd she look like Jug? He was murdered in his own home, it's a possibility that she had something to do with it or the one who killed him" He replies to me instantly, walking closer to me and placing a hand onto my shoulder as I continue to process the news that just came out of his mouth, I shake my head and try my best to remember her but I can't all i remember is that she had black hair "I can't really tell you but all I can say is that she had black hair just like mine, they were kind of hooking up so I didn't really look for more detail" I say to him and he nods but before either of us can continue we hear Betty scream from the inside, me and my father look at each other and without another second that passes by we run inside and straight into the backyard where we seen her crying, I run towards her and pull her into  a hug and make her look at me "Hey what's wrong?" I ask her. My dad walking up from behind us and looks down at us waiting for her to say something with his gun out on his hand. 

Betty sniffs a bit and wipes tears out off her cheeks and points across her backward where we seen, a lifeless corpse. 

My dad looks back and lets out a weird noise, putting his gun away. "Dear god." He mutters out running out to the front I'm assuming to get help. 

"It-it's Toni, Jug" Is all Betty manages to tell me as she breaks down once again, I put her head down to my chest and feel even more afraid than I ever was. Thinking that this can't be a coincidence, I mean first Archie and now Toni. This has to be Veronica's doing and if it is then I'm thinking we have underestimated what Veronica is capable of. 

Veronica POV:

"What did you guys do!?" My mother asks in a frantic tone as she walks into the dining room making me smirk as I drink out of my juice. I raise up an eyebrow setting my glass down and let out a sigh of contempt. 

"We did what had to be done" My daddy replies to her with the same smirk as me, thankfully my father understands my plan for revenge and is willing to help me with whatever it is that I need, of course there are days where he's fed up and acts like he won't help me anymore but the truth of the matter is that it's far from the truth. "Exactly mommy dearest, we did what had to be done" I reply to her. My mother looks over at us with a puzzles look on her face well actually not she's looking at us with pure disbelief. "You can't just go around killing people because Betty broke up with you, you need to move on Veronica. This isn't a game, you can't throw a temper tantrum and kill people expecting to not have any consequences" She says to me and that angers me, how dare she say that this is purely a temper tantrum from my part when it isn't. Betty isn't just anyone to me, she everything to me. 

I quickly stand up and hit the table as hard as I could making her and my father jump up with fear which makes me happy "This isn't a tantrum and you won't do anything to stop me, unless you want to end like them as well. Isn't that right daddy?" I ask him, crossing my arms across my chest with a fake innocent smile. My mother looks down at my father who is currently taking a bite out of his eggs and once he swallows it he answers, and his answer makes me really happy "That's right mija, no one will get in our way" He replies, my mother nods her head in disbelief and walks out of the dinning room without another word. I sit back down, grabbing my cup and clink it against my fathers "Cheers to get my Betty back." 

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