It Will Always Be Him

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Narrator POV:

The pain was unbearable for Betty, she cried and cried, even tried to yell and punch everything in sight but that didn't seem to lessen the heartbreak she was feeling due to her losing her mother but nothing hurt more than the thought of losing the man who was currently standing beside her as he wrapped his arms around her to hold her within his embrace. Betty knew without a single doubt that Veronica would try to take him away from her as well but this time Betty was going to fight, as she held onto Jugheads arms as if her life depended on it which technically it did, she mentally promised herself that she'd take Veronica down if that's the last thing she did. 

"It's okay baby, I'm here for you" Jughead whispered into her ear then kissing the top of her head smoothing her hair with his hand while the other was still wrapped around her "I'm sorry for causing you so much pain" He then said and that made Betty stop her crying, quickly looking up at him with widened eyes and began shaking her head "No baby, this isn't your fault. If anything I'm so fucking sorry for draggin-" But before she could finish what she was saying, the door flew open and in walked the devil herself. A smirk placed on her lips and both hands resting on the sides of her hips "Well well, if it isn't the sweet little love birds" She then said breaking the silence that was surrounding the three of them, Veronica's eyes going from Jughead down to the woman she claims to love but has done nothing but harm her. 

Jughead quickly tried his best to push Betty behind him, wanting nothing more than to protect his golden princess but Betty wasn't having it, instead she pushed away his arms and stood her ground, wiping the tears away from her face and held her head up high, Jughead left completely dumbfounded but when he saw nothing but pure determination on his girls face, he simply nodded his face in understanding and backed away a little but still stood besides her, he didn't have to tell her that he was there for her in any shape or form she needed him because she already knew. "You have some nerve showing up here, Veronica!" Betty sneered, her cheeks red and her eyes puffy from all the crying she was doing a few moments prior but little by little the anger Betty was feeling was slowly appearing all around her face, causing Veronica to drop her smirk and her hands from her hips and slowly began walking towards Betty but as soon as she took a step forward, Jughead did as well. holding out his arm "Don't you dare come any closer" Jughead shouts out in anger, Veronica quickly halts and widens her eyes her nose flaring in pure anger as she stares at the one man who managed to rip away the one person she loves most and before Betty and Jughead knew, Veronica pulled out a handgun from her purse and without saying a single word she aimed towards Jughead and shot him twice, both bullets hitting him in the stomach. 

Jughead drops to the ground, Betty quickly dropping herself as well, a flood of tears streaming down her face as she begs the man she loves to stay strong, begging him not to leave him and to hold on, placing a kiss on the top of his forehead before she stood up and lashes out towards Veronica, managing somehow to hit the gun out of the way and quickly slaps Veronica across the face but that wasn't enough for the blonde, not after everything she's done but as she went to slap Veronica again, Jughead begins to cough which gains Betty's attention and makes her worry even more, taking a step forward to check on him but unfortunately this gave Veronica the opportunity to grab a hold of the gun and quickly pointed it towards the blonde "Not another step Betty or I swear I will shoot you" Veronica spits out, her lip split open and a small bruise forming on the top of her cheek "This is the moment of truth Betty, you can either choose to be with me or I will kill you right now B, I swear I will" She then says, her hand shaking and actual tears beginning to flow down her cheeks as she gives Betty the ultimatum. 

"It will always be him" Is all Betty says before she hears a gunshot fire, the noise startling her but her body wasn't the one falling, she stands and watches as Veronica drops the gun and quickly falling onto her knees then falling down onto her stomach revealing F.P who was standing near the door with a gun in his hand but Betty didn't care to acknowledge him then instead she quickly turned around and dropped down to Jughead's almost lifeless body and cradled him in his arms "Please baby stay with me, please" She begs, tears once again swimming down her cheeks as she tightly hugs her love's pale and nearly lifeless body. 

F.P walks closer to the pair, a few tears escaping his eyes as he shakily grabs his phone and calls 911 for Jughead and unfortunately for Veronica as well. 

Betty is absolutely out of it by the time the ambulance and more cops arrive as she continues to hold onto Jughead's body but when the paramedics asked her to step away so they can assist Jughead, Betty simply nodded her head and hesitantly pulled away from him but she stood close and even rode with him to the hospital, her hands clasped together and praying so hard so Jughead could survive, she felt like she has lost so much that she couldn't bare losing him too. 


Few Hours Later: 

The beeping sound of the machine continued to haunt Betty as she watched Veronica sleep, hating the fact that she looked so peaceful after everything she has done to not only her but so many families in Riverdale. Her leg bounced up and down anxiously, biting her nail and continuing to watch her sleep until she heard a low groan coming from Veronica causing her to sit up straight, watching as Veronica slowly fluttered her eyes open but as soon as her eyes landed on the blonde, Betty quickly stood up, nothing but pure anger and disgust seen on her face as she stares down at the woman whose done nothing but destroy her life completely in a matter of days. 

"B!" Veronica squealed out lowly but then groaned once again, the pain creeping up on her now that she's awake but her eyes remained on Betty and a small smile appearing on her lips, a smile that did nothing but make Betty's stomach churn in a disgusting way. "Don't you dare call me that, not after everything you've done" Betty grits out, tears of pure anger flowing down her cheeks once again as she stares down at the raven haired woman. The smile that was once present on the injured woman's face quickly faltered and instantly tried to get up but soon realized that one of her arms was cuffed onto the rails of her hospital bed. Veronica shook her arm around as if that would help break her out of the cuffs she was in and that made Betty laugh hysterically. "Oh dear Veronica, you are finally going away for a very long time and I just wanted you to know that I hope you rot in hell for everything you have done but that's not why I'm here" Betty shut her eyes lightly and then opened them letting out a small and slow breath, her eyes once again glued onto Veronica "I came here to tell you that I forgive you because regardless of all the damage and pain you have caused, I don't want to live my life with any hatred in my life and in my heart but just know that you are finally going where you belong" and with that Betty turns around and begins to walk away. 

"I will come back for you Betty, this isn't the last of me. I promise you" Veronica shouts out from her bed but Betty simply continued to walk away and exited the room, walking straight to the waiting room where she walked up to the nurses station "Uhm excuse me miss?" She said earning her the attention of the nurse who was typing away. "Yes? How can I help you ?" The nurses responds but before Betty could say anything else, F.P walks into the waiting room and calls out her name "Betty?" He says softly causing the blonde haired beauty to turn around, and as soon as her eyes landed on him, she quickly felt her heart race and felt like she was about to get some horrible news. 

"Mr. Jones" she begins, swallowing a lump that she felt in her throat as she walked closer to him "Ho-how's Jughead?" She then stutters out, her eyes beginning to fill up with tears as soon as she saw his expression....

A/N: Oh my god! I finally wrote it lol 

Honestly I'm not too happy with the way this turned out but I tried. 

Let me know what you think

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