Mornings With You

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Narrator POV:

Jughead woke up early the next day and instantly smiled when he seen the beautiful blonde wrapped between his arms, a moment he's been literally dreaming about since the day he met her. Jughead began stroking her golden locks with his fingers as smiling widely to himself as he takes in her beauty, not believing that she was finally his. 

"Good morning handsome" She then whispered with a dry voice but a small smile placed on her face as he continues to run his fingers through her hair. 

"Good Morning, sorry if I woke you" He says to her. Betty quickly nodded her head no, snuggling into his body some more, another smile creeping onto his lips loving the fact that she wants to be closer to him than they already are. Jughead places a kiss onto her forehead traveling down to her lips. Her mouth instantly opening granting him access for his tongue to explore the inside of her mouth properly. "Mmm" Betty moans, their kiss instantly becoming heated. Her hands running through his hair while his rest on her back, holding her tightly close, her breasts cushioned against his chest. 

They pull away instantly when Betty's alarm clock goes off, startling the two young lovebirds. They chuckle at themselves, Betty bites her lip as she watches Jughead looking at her. The same intensity seen in his eyes likes hers. 

"You're beautiful Betty" He whispers out to her, breaking their silence. 

"You make me feel beautiful" She replies to him without hesitation "You" *kiss* "Are" *kiss* "Incredible" *kiss* She finishes kissing him in the lips once again making Jughead smile wide and feeling as if his heart is about to explode out of his chest out of pure happiness. 

"Betts, I was wondering if it was okay with you. I'd like to take out on a proper date, like flowers, dressing up nice the whole package, that's if you want too" He says nervously, red overtaking his natural skin color. 'God he's so fucking sexy when he's nervous' Betty thinks to herself. 

"Of course I want to Jug, I want it all with you" She replies followed by a giggle. She instantly gets up and straddles his lap, her tits in full view as she kiss him softly on his lips, his hands quickly running from her back down to her ass gently caressing both cheeks feeling his cock hardening with every passing second. "Please Juggie, take me." She whispers to him. He bites down on her lip harshly causing her to moan loving the pain sensation the bite sent down her spine. 

"God Betts, you're killing me baby" He replies to her, not believing that he's about to turn down yet another sexual proposal down but she deserves more than a quick morning fuck for her first time and he plans on giving her exactly what she deserves and so much more. "I want nothing more than to make you mine but I want to do it properly. So how about this, after our little date I'll take you to a special place and we'll do it then. I know it's corny to plan it out but I just want to make sure everything goes perfect for you" He says to her sweetly. 

Betty roams her eyes all over her new lover with nothing but pure amazement, hoping that Jughead wasn't a figment of her imagination since he's perfect all around. 

"No matter what you do or what you plan, it'll always be perfect in my eyes Juggie" Betty replies to him with nothing but pure sincerity. Both Betty and Jughead were deprived from their love for too long and so they didn't care to express their true feelings with each other. 

"We gotta get ready for school" Jughead then says to her. "Do you uhm I don't know go together?" He asks once again nervously afraid that she'll say no and that she wants to keep their relationship private but instead Betty pulls him in for a kiss "I thought that was always the plan, I'll race you to the shower" She says to him, standing up without warning and rushing to the bathroom, Jughead getting up quickly after her and running after her, chuckles and giggles filling the room. 

Veronica POV:

I got to school earlier than usual hoping to catch Betty before class but for the first time since freshmen year, she isn't here. I furrow my eyebrows as I continue looking for when suddenly everyone and I mean everyone stopped what they were doing and watch as Betty and Jughead walked hand in hand with smiles on their faces down the hallway. My mouth falls wide open in shock that they had the audacity to shamelessly flaunt their new relationship in front of me without taking any consideration for me. 

"Ouch" I hear Archie say from behind me as he stands besides me and looks towards the new pair with amusement in his eyes. 

"What the hell do you want Andrews?" I snarl out to him, not taking my eyes off of Betty and Jughead as they reach her locker. 

"Look, I get you guys were like a thing but it was clear that they liked it each other and if she broke up with you for him then that means it's real so why don't you try and move on with someone whose been wanting you" He says to me with a flirty smile sending me a wink. I scrunch up my face with disgust and roll my eyes "keep dreaming Andrews, unlike Betty I actually like pussy" I say to him then walk off since I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I rush to the bathroom and instantly break down without caring who was in there and why should I? The girl I just spent years with, literally ended things just yesterday and is happily with someone else as if we never existed, like if I never existed. 

Jughead POV:

"Here i can hold those for you" I say to her, taking her books off her hands and holding them in my hand as we walk down the hallway together. I see Betty shiver a bit and without second guessing, I stop her placing the books down on the ground and pull off my letterman Jacket and hold it up for her as she places it on. 

"Thank you" She replies to me with her angelic voice, picking up the books from the ground, giving her a smile then giving her a kiss. 

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