His; Only His

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Betty POV:

Everything about tonight was perfect, the way he held me, the way he kissed me and the way he constantly made sure I was okay. Jughead was nothing but a gentleman and I love him so much more for it. This past two days were hard for me since I couldn't help but to feel guilty over the deaths of both Toni and Archie but tonight I refuse to feel guilty over being happy and just for tonight I push my fear of Veronica away and let myself get lost in all that is Jughead. I never expected for my life to make this turn but I'm so happy that it did because that little turn led me to this moment where I'm currently laid in bed with my loves arms wrapped around me and asleep. I can't help but to keep my eyes on him as he sleeps, smiling like an idiot. 

I bite my lip as I start to play with his hair and then slowly tracing the features of his face trying to find a flaw but I can't. I continue to smile until flashes of Toni's lifeless body and Archie's come into my mind which lead to me thinking back to Veronica and what she's capable of,  I close my eyes and let out just one single tear, a tear that runs down my cheek and straight onto Jughead's chest. I promised myself that I wouldn't do this to myself tonight but looking at this man who has done nothing but love and protect me is hard not too, I don't want to loose him because of her and that makes me begin to wonder if I'm really even worth it. 

I sit up quickly, grabbing the sheet and wrap it around my body and try my best to walk over to my bathroom without waking Jughead and start the shower, dropping the sheet and begin to look at myself in the mirror, the same question lingering in my mind. Am I really going to let Jughead be in danger because of me? Why is Veronica even doing this? Why me? I sigh as I run my hands through my hair then get in the shower letting the warm water hit my skin trying my best to get those thoughts out of my head, I get so lost in thought that I don't feel the pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist, I jump around in fear and quickly let out a breath of relief when i see Jughead standing there with a smile, a smile I give back but then look down. 

He places a finger underneath my chin and forces me to look up at him, his eyebrows furrowed and he's looking at me almost as if he's trying to get himself inside of my mind so he knows what I'm thinking. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" He then asks, breaking the silence that was once between us. I sigh once again and bite my lip, his eyes still staring into mine. I can't help but to give him a genuine smile wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a long lustful kiss, a kiss that has us touching each other in places that make us feel really good. When we pull apart, our foreheads pressed against each other and our breathing heavy, the bathroom filled with steam from the heat of the water. "Am I worth it?" I blurt out to him making him pull away and look at me with creased eyebrows, he tilts his head and I know he's confused but I just needed to know. "What do you mean?" He then asks me, he arms now wrapped loosely around my waist. I look down and let out a shaky breath, I shrug and ask him once again only this time with better detail "Am I worth it?.... Why be with me if you know that your life could be in danger? I mean you heard your dad the other day and we both know who killed Toni so am I really worth it for you? For you to possibly lose your life Juggie?.... I mean I'm so afraid right now, not for myself but for you because I don't want anything to happen to you. Veronica has already taken so much from me that i'm scared that she'll take you away from me as well" I say to him, full blown tears running down my cheeks. 

Jughead doesn't say a word instead he pulls me in for a tight hug and runs his hands through my hair, placing kisses on my head and temple then suddenly he whispers into my ear "You will always be worth it baby, I love you Betty and no one is going to tear us apart." He replies to me, his soft voice giving me some sense of peace, I pull away and look at him, he wipes off a tear from my face. 

"You promsie?" I ask him "You promise that you will always stay by my side?" 

He smiles once again at me and huffs almost as if he can't believe that I'm asking him this. "Oh baby I'll never leave your side, you aren't getting rid of me that easy" He jokes and I can't help but laugh but a laugh filled with pure happiness. 



"It's late, why are you barely coming home?" Hiram asks his daughter, watching her as she closes the door behind her, she rolls her eyes and decides not to say anything to him since she feels like she doesn't have too so instead she tries to walk around him but fails when Hiram quickly grabs her by the arm and throws her onto the sofa causing her to get frightened for the first time in a long time. 

"i asked you a question Veronica" Hiram asks grabbing his daughter's chin rather roughly making sure to inflict pain onto her. 

"I was at Cheryl's" Veronica replies instantly, her breathing beginning to fasten as she stares into her fathers eyes that are filled with nothing but anger. Something that Veronica isn't used too, her mother is usually the one to give her the third degree but not her father.

"Why didn't you tell me that you killed that Casey kid!?" He asks, the anger clearly heard in his voice. Veronica simply looks up at her father and decides not to respond to him and instead chooses to pull out the crying card but for once that doesn't work and Hiram makes sure to make a point out of it "Oh no you don't, not this time Mija. You messed up big time and things are finally getting connected and there is no way to get you out of this, this time" He says to her making Veronica stop crying and looks at him and begins to wonder what he means by that, 

"Oh yeah sweetheart, it looks like Sheriff Jones is connecting all of the dots and all of the evidence is leading back to you and you know what I'm going to do to stop it?" He asks her, pausing for a brief moment so Veronica can get the hint but she doesn't "Not a goddamn thing" He finally replies, letting go of her chin and walking away and into his bedroom, leaving a very angry Veronica in the midst. Not knowing what bomb he just set off. 

A/N: This chapter sort of sucks but this book is about to end. So I will be updating this book until it's finished then I will go onto updating Deceit and Benefits. :) Remember to vote and comment. 

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