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Narrator POV:

"Mija" Hermione calls out to her daughter as she walks into her bedroom. 

"Yes?" Veronica asks,a fake innocent smile placed on her face as she sits up and places her phone on her night stand tilting her head as she waits for her mother to speak up. 

"Why do you insist on causing Betty more harm than you already have?" She asks bluntly, standing as far always as possible, not because she's afraid of her daughter but because she's afraid of what 

"Excuse me?" Veronica yells out, quickly standing up in fury as she glares at her mother "Me hurt Betty? She's the one who cheated on me remember? She dumped me for that idiot!" She hissed out with venom as her eyes get filled with tears but not tears of pain but tears of anger. Hermione looked at her daughter with disbelief and scoffs at the words that she just heard come out of her daughter "Veronica, do you even listen to half of the shit that comes out of your mouth?......Mija, Betty has been there for you always, you're the one who constantly stepped out of your guy's relationship" She says trying her best to reason with her but from the expression she see's on Veronica's face she knows that it won't work. 

"She forgave me though" Veronica stutters out. 

"Apparently not, I just don't want someone else to get hurt just because you can't deal with the fact that you lost" Hermione then says to her. 

Veronica smirks once she hears the words that came out of her mothers mouth, almost as if she couldn't believe that her mother really believed that "Oh mommy dearest but I can and I will. Betty is mine and no girl or boy will take her away from me especially not Jughead Jones" Veronica spits out as she crosses her arms across her torso and stares over at her mother, tears long gone "And if he doesn't get out of my way then he'll end up like Toni, now good-bye I have homework to do" She finishes sitting back down on her bed and waits for her mother to leave. 

Hermoine looks at her daughter and scoffs, pushing her hair back and shakes her head and ultimately gives up and walks out of her daughters bedroom, feeling defeated for now but she won't give this up she knows she has to stop Veronica before its too late. 

meanwhile, Betty and Jughead rush into her home giggles and chuckles filling the empty home as they run upstairs, articles slowly discarded as they walk into her bedroom since they know her mother won't be home soon since Alice had called Betty earlier when they were still fooling around at Sweet water and told her she'd gone to a women's spa retreat for the rest of the week and had forgotten to mention it to her since Betty had left earlier than usual which brings them here now. 

"I thought you wanted to wait until Friday?" She asks him through a giggle but quickly bites down on his bottom lip and pulls it towards it, earning her a moan released from Jughead. She smiles slightly and releases his lip but once she does, he loses control and quickly picks her up and tosses her onto her bed, slipping his pants off since he'd already discarded his shirt and hovered over her as he kicks off his pants, grabbing her chin and pulling her forward so he can give her a kiss. 

"I really want too Betts but you make it hard for me to wait" He says to her as he takes his lips from her lips down to her jaw down to her neck. 

Betty quickly wraps her legs around his waist and slowly begins to unhook her bra to reveal her breasts to him once again, knowing very well that Jughead loves her breasts a little too much but she doesn't mind. "What are you doing?" Jughead asks with a muffled voice as he continues to assault her neck but he pulls away a little and looks down to see Betty's bra loosened and groans, Betty bites her lip and feels the wetness beginning to drip out of her core loving the way he looks at her. He makes her feel like she's the most beautiful girl in the world. Jughead reaches the middle of her bra and pulls it forward, licking his lips as he see's her puckered up nipples. He knows he's seen Betty's tits before but he also knows that he'll never get tired of her, of any part of her. 

"I don't know how I went all these years without you" He mumbles out to her and quickly latches onto one of her nipples, swirling his tongue and then sucking on it driving Betty into madness. She arches her back and  grips onto his long raven hair and moans loudly "If you continue moaning out that loud people are going to know exactly what we're doing in here" He says to her with a grin and returning to suck onto her breasts. 

Betty blushes lightly but she honestly doesn't care, all she cares about right now is being here with him so she lets him know just that "I don't care Juggie, I just want you and I don't care what people have to say or if they hear us just please don't stop" She begs and with that he sits up on his knees and pulls her bottoms down her legs leaving her in just her red lacy panties, Jughead continues to stare down at the sexy thin material licking his lips "I love these but I rather have you naked baby girl" He whispers out and places his hands on the edges of her panties and pulls them down as well but places kisses on every other inch of her legs. Once her panties were completely off, Jughead threw them to where his pants were at and quickly returned his attention onto his beautiful blonde goddess that's currently naked on her bed and waiting for him to have his way with her. 

It's ironic really, Jughead isn't a virgin but he also wouldn't consider himself a fuck boy either since he respects women and what they do with their bodies but for some reasons, he begins to tremble "hey, you okay?" Betty asks him, her face filled with concern as she brings her hand up to his face and begins to caress it slowly, analyzing his expressions. 

"I'm better than okay baby, it's just you're the first girl that I been with who I actually have feelings for. This time for me is also special" he confesses to her "I don't know if that makes any sense to you Betts but you're special to me and no other girl has ever meant anything to me at least not the way that you mean to me" He finishes. She gives him a smiles and grabs the back of his neck and connects their lips together "Are you trying to tell me that you love me?" She asks him biting her lip as she awaits his answer. 

"I think I do Betty Cooper, I've never been a fan or a believer in love at first sight but that changed quickly when my eyes landed on you" He says to her. Betty finds his hand and intertwines her fingers with his "I think I may love you too" She replies without hesitation "And together we'll beat the odds, we'll get through whatever Veronica throws our way" 

He smiles down at her and kisses her passionately. 

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