Made Her Mine

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A/N: This chapter is basically pure smut so if that bothers you then don't read this chapter. 

Jughead POV:

Its been two days, two long days since Betty found Toni's lifeless body in her backward. Two days of endless torture, having to watch Betty wallow in guilt is killing me inside. Knowing what Veronica is capable of now scares the shit out of me I never once thought that someone who looked so put together can be able to cause so much pain and chaos especially to someone she claims to love. I watch Betty as she runs her brush through her beautiful golden locks and can't help but to feel protective over her and I mean why wouldn't I? This girl who is literally staring at herself in the mirrow with a blank stare means so much to me and I fear that my love and my feelings for her is what caused all of this. 

"Hey you okay?" She asks me, breaking me out of my spell well more like my torture of thoughts. I smile at her slightly and nods my head at her gently causing her to throw her brush onto her vanity as she stands up from her chair and slowly walks over to me. I let out a heavy sigh wrapping my arms around her waist and pull her in for a tender kiss that earns me a moan coming out of her mouth. I smirk when we pull away but she doesn't, she doesn't even move she just continues to stare into my eyes and after a minute or so she walks away from my embrace and begins to walk backwars and as she is, she slowly unties the knot of her robe and slowly removes it from her body. Once the robe hits the ground, my eyes instantly connect with it and slowly I begin to rake my eyes up from the ground and up towards her naked little frame, I swallow rather loudly and I try my best to tear my eyes away from her gorgeous body that she's literally offering me but I just can't do this with her while she's so vulnerable. I run my hands through my hair and stand up straight clearing my throat suddenly feeling it go dry. It seems that Betty notices how tense I get from how aroused I am and she gives me a gentle smirk and something in her eyes lights up. 

The silence is comfortable and for that first time this week, I feel at peace and I feel like it has a lot to do with the sexy blonde that is literally a feet away from me. "Aren't you going to do something? I mean you told me you were going to make me yours on Friday and well today is Friday"She says to me, beginning to walk slowly back towards me. "Betts, I want nothing more than to do just that but you're hurting right now baby" I reply to her but as the words come out of my mouth, I feel my body begin to betray me, my actions doing the exact opposite from that i'm trying to say to her. Betty raises up an eyebrow her smirk turning into a genuine smile as she finally connects our bodies together, her hands gripping onto my arms as I wrap them once again around her naked waist. 

"I don't want to take advantage of you" I add with a gulp but all she does is tilt her head and lick her lips as her eyes look down at my lips then back up to my eyes. 

"How are you taking advantage when I'm the one whose been begging you to fuck me, Juggie?" She asks me. She gets closer to my clothed body and begins to kiss my neck, I mutter several curse words and when she reaches my sweet spot I can't help but to melt into her arms or rather, I pick her up in my arms causing her to wrap her legs around my waist and I walk towards her bed. I throw her onto it and I quickly discard my shirt as I watch her biting her lip and her eyes scanning over my chest and torso. "Like what you see?" I tease her with a cocky grin, she gives me a playful eye roll. 

I hover over her naked frame and we connect in a lustful kiss. I bring my hands up to her breast and begin to knead on her nipple making them harden with my touch, I disconnect our lips and I swear I hear her let out a whimper as soon as my lips leave hers but without another second I reconnect my lips and place them onto the skin of her neck and begin to kiss and lick all the way down between the valley of her breasts. I feel her hands pull at my hair and her moans beginning to get louder as my tongue reaches the side of her nipple. "Jesus, Jughead you really know what you're doing" I hear her say in between moans. I smirk against her lips and finally I wrap my mouth around her tender rosy nub and begin to suck while my other hand goes further down sound, opening her thighs and quickly run my fingers through her wet slit, I feel Betty arching her back and while one of her hands leave my hair and quickly grip onto my shoulder, digging her nails into my skin I hiss in both pleasure and pain but I don't stop my torture. 

"Juggie, I can't. I need you" She moans out followed by a whimper. I leave her breast and kiss up to her lips then slowly thrust my fingers into her core making her let out a loud moan. "Where do you need me Betty?" I whisper into her ear. Betty begins to grind herself onto my finger and I add another one to cause more friction and pleasure for her, she gets lost in her own pleasure that I had to ask her again "Tell me Betty, Where and how do you need me?" I ask her, quickeing the pace of my fingers into her wet hot core. 

"I need you inside of me and I don't mean your fingers" She moans out. "Make me yours baby please" She pleads to me. I stop my actions and try to control my breathing but when I heard those words coming out of her pretty little mouth and I completely lost it. Everything goes by so fast and before I knew it I was completely naked hovering over my beautiful girlfriend seeking her consent to officially claim her. Betty swallows rather noticably as she gives me a wide smile, her fingers caressing my cheek "Only with you baby" She says to me and with that I push into her, I hear her hiss as she wraps her arms around my neck tightly as I continue to push all the way into her and once I am, I still for a moment and wait for her approval to continue. 

"Go ahead baby, I'm okay" I hear Betty whisper into my ear then bites the shell of it as she wraps her legs around my waist so I could go in further into her. I groan rather loudly placing my face in the crook of her neck as I begin to thrust into her at a punishing pace interlocking our hands and fingers together as I make love to my sweet Betty. 

Tonight I made Betty Cooper mine. 

A/N: this chapter was rather cringe lol but I finally updated it and for some reason I feel proud of myself. I take pride into what I write and what I publish so thank you to those who stick by me and support me, it means a lot. Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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