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Betty POV:

I grip onto him tightly, feeling afraid that Veronica will eventually get her way and drive Jughead away from me. I look up at his handsome face once again and smile brightly when he looks back down at me returning the smile I was giving him. For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I'm free and that's ironic since the only reason why I felt like I was trapped was due to the fear of losing Veronica completely but after everything I learned not to care. 

"What are you thinking about beautiful?" I hear Jughead ask me, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

I shrug my shoulders and quickly wraps his arms around me once again and continue to look over at the river, "Just about how lucky I am to finally be with you, to be able to call you mine" I say to him with a small smile, my attention now back on him instead of the river. Jughead tightens his hold on me and places his face in the crook of my neck, grazing his lips on my neck sending shivers down my spine as I feel him teasing me. "You know, you're being cruel to me right now" I say to him in a joking tone. 

"Me? Cruel? Never" He retorts with a smirk resuming his actions. I giggle and quickly turn around to face him and straddling his laps wrapping my arms around his neck. Playing with the ends of his hair as I look straight into his eyes "Oh but you are cruel to me, you know just how much I love your lips and your kisses" I say to him with a pout, my hands now running down his jaw examining his beautiful features. 

"Well then if you put it that way, you're also cruel to me" He replies to me with a smug smile. I narrow my eyes at him but keeping the smile on my face as I look at him "How?" I ask him, really wondering how I was cruel to him. 

"When I first got to school, you wouldn't even look at me meanwhile I was lost in your beauty" He says to me.

"I noticed you though, soon after" I replied to him "And from that moment, you stole my heart and took over my mind like a thief" I say to him with a  seductive tone, I lick my lips making him let out a weird growl like noise. I take that as a good sign and muster up the courage for what I'm about to do. I place my hands at the hem of my shirt and quickly pull it off and before he protests I reached behind me and unclipped my bra slowly removing the straps and pulled it forwards slowly revealing my tits to him. 

I tossed my bra over to the side and went to get up but Jughead stopped me and before I knew it, he attacked my tits. Placing his mouth onto my nipple, licking then biting it I couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud moan feeling one of his hands massaging the other boob that wasn't in his mouth while the other ran down my body and slowly ended up on my ass, he squeezed my ass cheek and began moving it back and fourth causing a wonderful friction between my core. 

"Juggie-I" I moaned out but couldn't bother to say anything else since I couldn't stop moaning. The feeling of his mouth on my nipple is enough for me to lose my mind, I can't help but think how wonderful sex will be with him on Friday. 


"Sheriff Jones" I hear someone say as they walk into my office, I look up and see a young man who is very tall with a snake tattoo on his neck. 

"Yes? How may I help you?" I ask him, dropping my pen and removing my glasses. Giving him all of my attention. I see him gulp loudly and looks to the side then back over at me. I can see that he's from the Southside of town so I know it isn't easy for him to be here and for whatever reason why he's here I know it must be important. 

"Listen, I wouldn't come to you if I didn't have any other choice" He begins as he fiddles with his fingers. He then reaches to the back of his pockets and takes something out and places it on my desk. I lean forward and pick it up realizing that it's a photo of a young girl around his age with pinkish hair. I look up at him and see him looking at me with a serious but worried look on his face. "She's missing, has been missing for about 2 months now. No goodbye, no nothing and you see Toni wouldn't just leave me without saying anything to me. We're all we had and I need you to help me, please" He begs to me. 

I nod my head and see the desperation in his eyes, I don't know what i would do if Jughead were to go missing so I decided to help this young man especially since I know that he wouldn't get the help he needs from someone else "Please tell me that you're going to help, I've tried coming here last month but the sheriff before you wouldn't even budge to look for her so I'm hoping now that there's a new sheriff in town that we could count on you" 

"You're right son, you can count on me. I will help you and I will find her or at least find out what happened to her, good or bad" I assure him. He nods his head and clenches his fist and something tells me that he's afraid something horrible happened to his friend and if I'm being honest, something inside of me tells me the same thing. 

Veronica POV:

"Hello daddy" I say as I skip into my fathers office with a big grin on my face, acting like the innocent little girl he thinks I am but if only he knew. 

"Hey mija, how was school?" He asks me, not taking his eyes of the paperwork he's doing. I roll my eyes and place my hand onto his papers forcing him to look up at me. I give him a smile and tilt my head to the side as I look at him straight in the eyes. 

"I need you to tell me that Toni has been dealt with" I say to him with a kitten voice "I can't sleep at night knowing that a monster like her is still out there daddy" I say to him. 

He gives me a smile and stands up giving me a kiss on my head "Don't you worry mija, she's been dealt with. When they find her and that's if they find her they'll find her not breathing" He says to me giving me a wink then walks out of the office, I smile wide and place my hand underneath my chin and feel a small victory within my chest "Now I just have to get rid of you Jughead" I say to myself. 

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