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Narrator POV:

As Betty pulled up to her driveway, she was thinking about how things have change since Jughead had come to Riverdale since before him she never once glanced towards a guy until he came along. Betty was struggling with her sexuality since she really thought she was into girls, she sigh and quickly turned off her car grabbing her backpack and walking straight inside without another thought. 

"Hey honey!" Her mother yelled out from inside the kitchen. Betty placed her keys on the side table and walked towards the kitchen with a smile on her face since overall she had a good day. "Hey mom" Betty replies happily, her ponytail swinging back and fourth with each step she takes, Betty goes directly to grab an apple and takes a bite out of it as she takes a seat near the counter. 

"What's wrong? You seem very quiet today" Alice asks her daughter as she washes the dishes she just used to make dinner. Betty shrugs as she takes another bite of her apple as she tries to spit out the words but before she could, she heard the door bell, Betty furrowed her eyebrows and looked over towards her mother who was happily doing the dishes. 

"Did you invite anyone?" She asks. 

"Oh yes! I forgot to mention that I invited the new neighbors over for dinner" Alice replied with a huge smile on her face, since she knows for a fact that Betty has become confused and is starting to wonder whether she really is gay or not and she has Jughead Jones the new kid next door to thank for that. 

"Oh my god! Mom! And you didn't tell me? Oh god, Jughead is going to see me like this. Can you open the door while I go change?" Betty rambles on, Alice looks over at her daughter once again placing a hand on her hip with a smile and nods her head yes. Betty squeals in excitement and quickly jumps off the counter and runs upstairs before Alice opened the door. Betty runs into her arm, quickly taking the elastic band out of her hair running her hands through her blonde hair and immediately opens up her closet and began looking through her clothes, she know's what she's doing is wrong but she can't help but want to impress Jughead. Betty bites her lip as she scans her closet and finally pulls out a floral dress out, it was simply but cute as well as sexy. Betty smiles widely and closes her closet but as she walks towards her bed to place the dress on top of it, there is a knock on her door. 

Her heart races since she knows that it's Jughead, it has to be. She debates whether to open it or not since she doesn't want him to see her in her after practice outfit but she also didn't want to give him the impression that she was avoiding him since that's literally the last things she wants to do, so the blonde takes a deep breath and walks towards her door and before she could second guess herself she opens her door to see Jughead standing there with his hands behind his back. 

"Hey gorgeous, miss me?" He asks with a smirk. Betty bites her lip and once again scans his body and can't help but to feel a particular itch that only Jughead Jones has made her feel. 

"you know I always miss you" Betty replies to him, standing to the side to let him into her arm but before he walks in Jughead brings out his hand and gives her a bouquet of flowers. "Oh my god, these are beautiful Jughead thank you" Betty squeals out to him in excitement as she grabs the flowers  out of his hands and bringing them up to her nose to inhale their scent. "Come in" Betty then says to him and this time he listens and walks into the girl's pastel paradise. 

"Cute room" Jughead compliments as he scans the bedroom who so happens to belong to the girl he wants. 

"Thank you, I was about to get changed. So you can take a seat on my bed while I change in the bathroom" Betty says to him, making Jughead stop in his tracks and slowly turns around to face her. Jughead licks his lips and see's Betty already staring at him, the flowers he gave her placed on top of her vanity. 

"You can change in here if you want" Jughead then suggests making Betty gulp loudly, she looks to the side then back at him and before Jughead knew, Betty was asking him to sit down on her bed and enjoy the show and with much anticipation he watched. 

First, Betty took her shirt off then tossed it over to Jughead who didn't dare rip his eyes away from Betty. His pants already becoming to get uncomfortably tight. 

Jughead took a deep breath as Betty slowly unbuttoned her shorts then unzips them and slowly pushes them down her hips and all the way down her long silky legs. Jughead roamed his eye's over the blonde beautiful and not wanting to wait he quickly stood up and pulled her towards him making them both fall onto the bed. 


"Hey mija, is everything okay? You seem a bit off" Hermoine says to her daughter who just walked in through the door. Veronica lets out a sigh as she places her things onto the couch then sits besides her mother placing her head onto her shoulder. 

"I feel like I'm losing Betty, mom" The young raven haired girl admits to her mother feeling the ache in her heart. 

"Why do you think that sweetie? You and Betty have literally been together for a long time, you're probably just overreacting" Veronica mother says, Veronica quickly sits up straight and looks into her mothers eyes and shakes her head no "No mom, you don't understand. She and Jughead have been really flirty lately and spending way too much time together and I've noticed that since then she's been acting different, distant" She says to her mother. 

Hermoine furrows her eyebrows as she looks at her daughter, thinking that Veronica is only overreacting since she thinks she knows Betty well enough to never do anything like that to her daughter. 

Back at Betty's: 

Both teens are now only in their underwear, Betty's bra long gone and the only barrier between them is making their way down Betty's legs as Jughead pulls them down. 

"You're so fucking beautiful" Jughead whispers into Betty's ear as he goes back up to her face and pulling her back into a kiss. Betty wraps a leg around Jugheads waist feeling his hard cock press against her soaking heat. 

"Juggie, I've never done anything like this" She admits to him. 

"With a guy right?" Jughead asks, looking for clarification but when he see's the blonde nodding her head no, he couldn't help but to feel the smug grin that gets formed on his lips, knowing that he's the first to ever see her and touch her this way. 

"That's so fucking hot baby" Jughead growls to her as he continues to kiss, grinding his hard member against her soaking center. Betty moans between their kisses loving the friction he's making her feel. Betty rakes her nails up and down his back making him feel a hint of pain but he loves it. He loves everything she does. 

"How about we wait to do that until you're absolutely sure and one hundred percent mine" Jughead says to her through heavy breaths. 

"No, I want you. I want you now Juggie please" Betty whines. Kissing Jughead down to his neck. 

"I want you too baby, you don't know how much I fucking want you but you deserve the world. I want to make all your firsts special" He whispers to her, followed by a moan once he feels her reaching his sweet spot on his neck knowing very well that Betty is marking him. He doesn't mind since he gave her a couple as well. 

"What about Veronica?" Jughead then asks her. Pulling away a bit. "You still love her?" He asks afraid of Betty's answers. 

Betty smiles towards him and nods her head no, making Jughead sigh in relief "No baby, I want you. I'll break up with her tomorrow" Betty says to him. Pulling him back in for a kiss, laying her head onto the pillows as he feels, his fingers entering her aching pussy. 

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