Obsessed Ex's and Old Friends

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Jughead POV:

Our kiss gets a lot more heated, making it hard for the both of us to pull away. I walk her backwards until her back hits the lockers, causing her to moan as I continue to massage her tongue with mine, her hands running all over my hair and pulling it gently. 

"I-I can't keep doing this Betty" I whisper to her, pulling away from her a bit to catch my breath but feeling like if we continue, I won't be able to contain myself from taking her into a janitors closet and fucking her senseless. 

"Why not?" She asks breathlessly, biting the shell of my ear sending a shiver down my spine then trying to reconnect our lips back together but I move away making her furrow her eyebrows together.

"Because if we don't stop Betty, we're going to end up fucking  you here at school and I don't want that for you, I want to give you everything. I don't want to treat you like a random slut when you aren't, you're my girl" I whisper back to her, my face now in the crook of her neck placing kisses and sucking on her pulse point leaving a love mark so people know that she's mine, all mine. I know that I should stop but I need her.

Betty grabs my head and forces me to look up at her and leans in for another kiss, only this time she succeeds and we're back to our steamy make out that we were having, I press her harder against the lockers, my arms holding her closely until we get interrupted by someone clearing their throat, we immediately pull away and turn to see Mr. Honey standing there looking over at us with risen eyebrows. "Don't you both have a class to get to?" He asks, his hands behind his back. Me and Betty try to contain our laughter but we nod yes anyways. 

She grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall way, passing Mr. Honey in the process "Sorry Principal Honey, I guess we just lost track of time" She says to him through a giggle then resumes to walk down the hall, my hand still on hers. 

We stop once we get to her classroom, she turns to look at me and gives me a small happy smile. "I know its cheesy to say this but I'm literally going to miss you" She says to me. Seeing her cheeks turning light pink once those words came out of her mouth, I smirk and once again I take my letterman jacket and place it over her shoulders and kiss her on the forehead "I guess now you have something to remind you of me" I say to her then give her a wink. She giggles then kisses my lips and walks into her classroom, I graze my lips with my fingers loving the feeling that Betty's lips behind on mine. 

I walk towards my classroom but before I could, I'm stopped once again by Veronica. I roll my eyes and quickly go to side step her but she still manages to cut me off, I let out a groan and simply give up and decide to listen to whatever bullshit she has to say now "What?" I growl out. 

"I warned you Forsythe, I warned you not to mess with me and yet you still did. You're going to pay for what you did to me." She says to me. I roll my eyes and shove her aside and begin walking once again. "I'm serious, you don't know what I'm capable for Betty. Just ask Toni Topaz" She yells out to me, I stop walking and turn towards her once again. She stands there with her arms across her chest, crossed as she looks over to me waiting for me to respond but I don't I simply begin walking and finally make it to my class. 

"Toni Topaz?" I whisper to myself as I take seat.

Betty POV:

"Sorry" I say to the teacher as I carefully walk through the door. He nods his head and gestures for me to take a seat. I head towards the back where Midge is at and sit beside her. 

"Hey girl" She whispers to me with a sweet smile. I smile back at her and quickly take out my book and my notebook and begin paying attention. "I heard you're with Jughead now" She says to me, I look over at her and nod my head yes, a smile forming on my lips once again but then suddenly I drop it "Please don't hate me" I whisper back to her, Midge furrows her eyebrows and nods her head "And why would I hate you?" She asks me with a wary look. 

"Well because I dumped Veronica for him" I reply back to her and she scoffs. 

"Me and Veronica aren't friends and you know that. I mean it's her fault that Toni moved in the first place" She says to me, I furrow my eyebrows and look at her with confusion as to why Veronica would be the reason Toni left. 

"Toni left because she got accepted into Stonewall" I reply to her, Midge looks at me with an 'are you serious' look and begins to nod her head at my obliviousness "That's what Veronica wanted you to believe....I know a guy that goes there and he never once mentioned a new girl" She says to me. I continue to look at her puzzled since I'm completely confused as to why Veronica would lie to me about Toni's whereabouts. "Anyways, I'm glad that you're with someone who literally worships the ground you walk on Betty. You deserve it." She says to me with a smile then resumes writing in her notebook. 

I give her a smile and try my best to pay attention to what the teacher is saying but after what Midge told me, I can't. 


2 months ago:

"Hey beautiful, what are you still doing outside? The bell is about to ring." Veronica says as she walks up to me from behind, I quickly turn around to face her and wipe my tears "Toni left, she left without even saying bye. I thought we were friends?" I say to her. Veronica quickly hugs me and places my face onto her chest as I break down. 

End of Flashback

My thoughts get cut off immediately when the bell rings and I quickly stand up grabbing my things and walk out after I said my goodbye's to Midge. When I get outside of the class, I see Jughead already waiting for me. I walk up to him with a small smile and quickly hug him. 

"hey, you okay?" He asks me with worry. 

"I-I don't know, Jug. I just don't want to be here anymore" I say to him, looking up at him straight in the eyes now. Jughead nods his head and grabs my hand and we walk out of the school, hand in hand but when I look back towards the school I see Veronica standing there looking over at us and for some reason I got an uneasy feeling. 

A/N: I want to thank everyone who wrote me yesterday, I appreciate your support and your understanding. Like I said I just need you guys to be patient with me, I will be updating whenever I can. I love all of you. 

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