To Die For

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Jughead POV:

Nothing in this life prepared me for this moment, I let out a heavy breath as I stare down at my girl who is already looking up at me with nothing but love and happiness as well as trust, a trust that I'll always make sure that I never betray, happiness that I'll always make sure I provide to her and love that I'll always provide. 

"Betts, baby if we don't stop right now then i'm afraid that I won't be able to contain myself" I say to her as she kisses down my neck and begins to suck onto the skin for sure leaving a matching hickey like the one I left on her. "As long as its with you Juggie and besides we just confessed our love for each other, how much more perfect can that be?" She asks me with a small sweet smile that can literally kill me as soon as I see it 'god she's perfect'. I look down at her body and I gently place my fingers into her and begin to pump her, she throws her head backwards and begins to moan and begins to grind onto my fingers "That's right babygirl, fuck yourself on my fingers" I whisper into her ear and gently bite down on the outer shell of her ear. I lick down her neck to the valley of her breasts as I continue to thrusts my fingers into her, we don't get far when suddenly my phone rings but I decide to let it ring and not bother answering who it is since the only person I care about is currently with me. Just as Betty reaches her high, my phone rings once again but I ignore it. She grips onto my hair and tugs on it gently as she connects our lips, her legs begins to shake and she bites down onto my bottom lip as she lets out a loud moan while she coats my fingers with her delicious juices. 

"How are you so good at that?" She asks me breathlessly, causing me to smirk but as I was about to reply my phone rings once again. Betty looks over at it then back at me with furrowed eyebrows as she tries to regain her breath "You should get that Juggie, it could be important" She says to me. 

I let out a breath and nod in understand as i stand up and pick up my phone to see my dad is the one calling, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion then look up at her who is already looking at me. "What is it?" She asks me as she lays on her side so she could look at me better "It's my dad" I simply reply as I quickly answer the phone call. 

"Hello? Dad?"  I answer, I watch Betty give me a smile then stands up grabbing her robe. 

"Jughead! Where are you?" He asks me with a worried tone, which leaves me even more confused. I watch as Betty walks into her bathroom and closes the door "I'm at Betty's. Why?" I ask him as I take a seat onto her bed and grab my boxers, slipping them on as I wait for my dad to answer. 

I hear him sigh and can tell that he's contemplating "Dad, what is it?" I ask him. 

"I need to speak to both you and Betty, I should be there within the next five minutes" He simply says to me then hangs up and as soon as he does, Betty walks out of the bathroom with a smile. She walks over to me and straddles me "Can we go back to what we were about to do?" She asks me, I mentally slap my father for having to interrupt us right now but I know he wouldn't come during his shift just for the shits and giggles. 

"Baby, I'm sorry but my dad said he needed to talk to us both and that he'll be here within the next five minutes" I say to her. She furrows her eyebrows and nods her head "Oh did he say about what?" She then asks, wrapping her arms around my neck while I wrap mine around her waist "No he didn't say anything but I can tell that something is bothering him" I reply to her. She nods her head once again but this time she smiles and leans in for a kiss, a kiss that I happily give but as soon as we connect our lips, the doorbell rings causing me to release a grunt of annoyance and that earns me a giggle from Betty. She quickly gets off of me and extends her hand out to me and I grab it and walk downstairs. I open the door while Betty walks into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. 

"Hey dad, what's up?" I ask him as I put on my shirt, my dad looks at me and raises his eyebrow "I hope you used protection" Is all he says, leaving me speechless but before I could say anything to him Betty walks out of the kitchen with a smile "Good afternoon Mr. Jones, come on in. Would you like something to drink?" She asks him as she walks back into the kitchen only this time me and my dad are following her. "Hey Betty and no I'm okay, thanks for asking" My dad says to him as we step near the counter. I walk around to her and stand besides her as we wait for my dad to speak up "So Mr. Jones, Jughead tells me that you needed to talk to us?" Betty asks, breaking the silence. 

"Actually, I mostly wanted to talk with you in regards to a case that just opened up today" My dad says to her, leaving both me and Betty even more confused. I look over at Betty and I can see the confusion in her face as she looks over at my dad then over at me "Uhm, okay did I do something wrong?" She asks him warily as she slowly takes her attention back onto him. My dad lets out a sigh and slowly takes out a photograph and slides it over to her, Betty picks up the photo and she lets out a gasp and quickly places her hand over her mouth "Does this mean that she's missing?" Betty asks my dad, I look down at the photo and see a young girl around our age with pink hair and that tells me that this is Toni, Betty's friend who had gone missing and Veronica told me about. 

My dad nods his head yes and I quickly bring Betty into my arms as she lets out a few tears out of her eyes "What is it that you need to know? I'll tell you whatever you need to know just as long as you find her" Betty says to my father through sobs, I caress her back but I know that this must be hurting Betty more than I can possibly imagine. 

"Betty, this isn't easy for me to ask or to say but I have reason to believe that your ex-girlfriend may have had something to do with her disappearance" He says to her then once again takes out another photo and slides it over to her only this time the photo is of a guy. Betty takes a look at the photo and sniffles but she seems confused and for some reason that gives me a sense of relief "Who is that?" Betty then asks. 

"That's Cassidy Bullock, he moved here back when you were a sophmore and according to my source, he tried to hit on you and Veronica who was your girlfriend at the time didn't like it" He says to Betty when suddenly I see a shock of realization in Betty's eyes. 

Betty POV:

"Oh my god! Yes I remember him now, I'm sorry but how is this connected to what happened to Toni?" I ask Jughead's dad. I feel Jughead once again wrap his arms around me and pulls me in. 

"Because Betty, that same week he went missing. No trace of him or anything until they found his body three months later, deceased Betty. This isn't a coincidence and I also know that you don't believe it either." Mr. Jones replies to me, I shake my dad and runs my hands through my hair as I look up at Jughead with worry in my eyes, feelign afraid that something awful may happen to the only guy I will literally kill and die for. 

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