My Life

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Betty POV:

We arrive to Sweet Water River in silence but it's a comfortable silence, being besides Jughead gives me a sense of relaxation that I never felt when I was besides Ronnie. I know I loved her once but ever since I met Jughead, I wonder if I ever loved her in that way. 

"Want to take a walk?" He then asks me, turning off my car and holding onto my hand. 

"Yeah" I simply reply, giving him a small smile. He gets out the car and runs to the passenger side before I got the chance to open the door since he loves to do that for me, I smile and blush once he opens the door, he extends his hand out to me and I quickly grab it. He closes the door and we begin walking hand in hand down the river stream. 

"So? Want to tell me what's going through that pretty little head of yours?" He asks me. Looking over at me as we continue walking hand in hand. I sigh and look over to the river and then back at him. 

I try to find the words to best explain the situation but I keep getting blocked off so I simply begin without trying to thinking "I use to have this friend, her name was Toni" I say to him but once I say the name, he tenses up a bit and that makes me raise my eyebrow at him. 

"What? What's wrong?" I ask him, stopping the both of us from walking. He sighs and rubs his fingers through his eyebrows then looks over at me. Our hands now connected as we face each other.

"After you walked into your class, I kind of ran into your ex-girlfriend" He says to me. 

I drop his hands and kind of shake my head then furrow my eyebrows "And what'd she say?" I ask him, waiting for him to answer my question and begin wondering why he tensed up when I mentioned Toni. 

"Betts, she warned me to stay away from you and she also mentioned this Toni person you're talking about, she told me that if I didn't believe her that I should just ask Toni Topaz." He finishes. I close my mouth tightly and finally get the confirmation I needed, of course Veronica had something to do with Toni leaving without even saying a good-bye to me "Who is she Betty? And why should I ask her what Veronica is capable of?" He asks. 

I let out a sigh and run my hands through my hair. I grab his hand and give him a small smile "Lets sit down" I say to him, he nods in agreement and we go to find a spot to sit down and once we do I begin telling him who Toni was.

"Toni was a friend who I met when I decided to join the blue and gold" I begin to say to him, Jughead grabs my hand and holds it close to him making me feel safe and I love that about him, the littlest things that he does is what makes me fall for him even more "She was fearless Juggie, she never let Veronica or Cheryl bully her and she always stood up to them so when I joined the blue and gold she made me feel accepted for who I was, not who Veronica wanted me to be. We began to spend a lot of time together and I even ditched Veronica a few times so I could hang out with her but never did I suspect that Toni was gay too." I say to him, Jughead raises his eyebrow and waits for me to continue but before I do he kisses my hand and gives me a small reassuring smile "One day, she confessed her feelings to me. I right away told her that I was with Veronica and that I only seen her as a friend which she was cool with, Toni wasn't the type of person to hold things against you especially when it came to your feelings but I made the mistake to tell Veronica about it and well she began treating Toni like shit, I tried Jughead please believe me when I say that I tried to stop her from hurting Toni, I even broke up with her but I guess that didn't help since that kind of pushed Veronica to the edge." I say to him. 

"What happened to Toni baby?" He asks me. 

"I-I don't know Juggie, Veronica had told me that she won a scholarship to Stonewall but today I found out that she was never seen there. It's been two months since I seen or heard from her and if I'm being honest, I'm scared. I'm afraid for her and now for you, baby I don't want anything to happen to you" I cry to him. Jughead quickly pulls me on top of him and begins to caress my head and kisses it as I continue to cry.

Veronica POV:

"Josie" I say to Betty's little friend who seems to not like me very much. She looks up at me from her phone and rolls her eyes as she puts her phone away. 

"May I help you with something Lodge?" She spits out with venom, looking at me with disgust. I simply smile at her and decide to not pay her attitude any attention and simply go straight to the point. "Actually, yes you can. May you tell me where my beloved Bettykins is?" I ask her sweetly. My fake smile plastered on my lips and begin swaying back and fourth looking around to see if I spot my girl anywhere, which I don't. 

"She isn't yours anymore, and no I don't and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you" She hisses out and begins to walk away. My smile drops and I look at her with serious face, how dare she say that Betty is no longer mine? Betty will be mine for as long as I want her and I will always want her. "She is mine, Josie. Don't forget that so I suggest you get on the right side before you end up like Toni, or worse" I say to her then smile once again "Toodles" Then walk off giving her a wave. 

Jughead POV:

"Do you want me to find out what happened to Toni baby?" I ask her, looking down at her. She looks up at me and smiles slightly "as much as I'd love to know what happened to her, I don't want to put you in harms way baby. So please just drop this, for me" She pleads to me, she grips onto me tightly and I sigh, I hate that Betty had to go through all of that alone. I knew Veronica was crazy but I didn't think she'd be this crazy either way I'm not leaving Betty, I don't care what I have to face, Betty will always come first for me and I'll always protect her, I'll even give up my own life if I have too.

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