Love Birds

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Narrator POV:

Morning came by quick, the sunlight beaming right through Betty's curtains and lighting up her bedroom causing Jughead to wake up from his deep slumber but still feeling completely exhausted, not that he minded of course since he loved feeling this way after a night of pure love making with the one girl he thought would never be his but before Jughead could fully get lost in his thoughts, he seen that Betty's side of the bed was empty causing him to wake up completely and going into full blown panic mode but as soon as he got up from the bed, Betty's bedroom door opened and in she walked. 

He blew out a breath of relief and quickly noticed that she was walking in with a tray full of food, wearing only his shirt and a huge smile on her face as she walked towards the bed making his heart flutter. "Good morning sleepyhead, I thought breakfast in bed sounded like a good way to start our morning" She said to him in a cheery tone. Jughead smiled back at his girl and sat down besides her "Good morning" He replied leaning in to give her a kiss, a kiss that she happily replied. "I kind of freaked out when I didn't see you laying besides me" He said to her through a chuckle making her chuckle as well but she suddenly stopped then sighed as she cut up the pancakes that she had made for them to share. 

"What's wrong?" He then asked, creasing his eyebrows together as he noticed her getting lost in thought. Betty bit her lip and slowly pushed the tray away and looked over at her boyfriend, loving how attentive and observant he is with her "I just hate that you feel like this....I hate that you're afraid because of what Veronica will do and it isn't fair to you" She admits to him, biting her lip once again and looking away from him since she couldn't bare look at him in the eyes, since she felt guilty for everything that was or more so is going on. Jughead sighed and wrapped a hand around her waist and brought her in closer to him, careful to not drop the tray. He kissed her on the top of her head and forced her to look at him in the eyes, hating that she feels like she's responsible for everything that is going on when she shouldn't. "Betts..." He begins as he pushes  strand of her hair back so he can get a full view of her beautiful face "None of this is your fault and it isn't your fault that I worry about you. Babe I'm your boyfriend so please don't you ever feel guilty for me feeling this way towards you when I'd literally do anything for you, Veronica or not I'll always feel protective over you" He says to her trying to reassure her that no matter what, he was going to defend her and protect her against anything and anyone. 

Betty sniffled and tried to fight back her tears, not being able to spit any words out but managing to nod her head in understanding. 

"Please look at me baby" Jughead says to her and this time Betty looks into his eyes without him forcing her and manages to put on a smile once again. "I'm sorry for acting like such a baby Jug, it's just difficult for me right now to feel this happy without feeling guilty" She starts, feeling his hand on the side of her cheek and she leans into it without a second thought. 

"You don't have anything to be guilty about, I understand that Toni and Archie both lost their lives but it isn't because of you nor does it have anything to do with you. It's all Veronica fault but I know that right know I won't fully make you understand that, just please Betts don't be so hard on yourself" Jughead says to her in a soft tone then gives her another kiss on the top of her head. Betty held onto his arms and smiled then nodded once again in understanding loving the way he makes her feel. "Let's eat huh" Jughead then says taking his hands away from her and places them on the tray pulling it towards them with a huge smile on his face like a little kid at a candy store making Betty let out a giggle but before Jughead could stick his grubby fingers into the food, she stops him making him furrow his eyebrows and looks over at her with narrowed eyes but a playful smirk on his lips. 

"Nu-uh, I have other plans for that food" She then says, tugging her bottom lip in between her teeth. Jughead quirks up an eyebrow and instantly begins thinking of all the things she could be thinking but before he knew it, Betty pushed him backwards causing him to sit against the headboard and watched as she threw one leg over his waist, straddling him with a smile then turns around slight grabbing a piece of pancake and feeds it to him. Jughead loving the way this all turned out, from having a serious conversation to having breakfast in bed with his beautiful girl whom he loves more than anything in the entire world. As soon as he swallows the piece of pancake that he had in his mouth, Betty pushed back her hair and leaned in and began to kiss him, opening her mouth to give him an entrance for his tongue which he happily obliges too. This kiss was slow and sensual and fulled with pure love. Jughead runs his hands down her body and ran them all the way down to the hem of his t-shirt which ended at the top of her thighs and slid under it and slid his hands all the way up into her heat. 

Betty moaned into his mouth, loving the way his hands feel against her skin. She pulls away from the kiss and before he got the chance to protest, she connected her lips onto his neck and began to suck onto it, then kissing it as she leaves her love marks painted onto his skin. Jughead groans, running his finger over her slick and wet folds, then began to touch the throbbing bundle of nerves that were begging for his attention. 

The second Betty felt Jughead begin playing with her clit, she moaned loudly throwing her head back and taking the shirt off for him, revealing her bare chest to him. "Juggie" She managed to breath out through a moan "Please" She then says, throwing his shirt on the floor then reconnecting their lips in a heated make out only this time, this kiss is purely filled with lust. 

"Please what baby, tell me what you want" Jughead then whispers against her lips, continuing to play with her bundle of nerves that sends a rush of pleasure all through her body. Shivering against his touch, making Jughead smirk at the way he is causing her to lose control because of him, because of the way he touches her and he loves it, loves that she gave him that special part of her and he swears that if she lets him then he'll do it for the rest of their lives. "I need you inside of me" She replies, breathlessly. Kissing him once again The room would be silent if it weren't for the muffled groans and moans that are coming out from the young love birds on the bed, and like the moon was witness to their first love making, the sun is the only witness to their lust making. 


A/N: This is more like a filler chapter and I have realized that this book will be a little bit longer than I anticipated but it will still be ending soon since I really want to focus on my other two books. 

Comment and vote. Tell me what you think and what you think will happen, next chapter we will see a friendship rebuild and a very angry Veronica. 

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